Born Digital: Towards A Glossary of Digital Narratives

The BWS plus project ”Born Digital: Towards a Glossary of Digital Narratives“ is carried out by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung as part of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM programme for University Cooperations.


Born Digital focuses on the joint development of an online glossary of electronic literatures in collaboration with the Center for Digital Narrative at the University of Bergen and the Digital Humanities at the University of Vienna. The glossary, which will be made available to the general public on an open-access basis, will be expanded continuously by researchers at Bergen and Stuttgart – and beyond.

In addition to scholarships for MA/MEd and PhD students to support collaboration and exchange between the universities of Stuttgart and Bergen, Born Digital comprises several (online) workshops (1) to involve a large number of students beyond the grantees, (2) to establish and expand collaboration between students and researchers at Stuttgart and Bergen, (3) to open up the project to interested researchers and students worldwide.


Participating researchers

A picture of Prof. Dr. Sibylle Baumbach.
Ein Bild von Prof. Dr. Scott Rettberg.

Prof. Dr. Sibylle Baumbach (Project leader)

Sibylle Baumbach is professor of English literatures and cultures. LitAttention builds on her previous research on literature, attention, and fascination as well as on her expertise in literary theory and interdisciplinary approaches to literature. She is Principal Investigator of LitAttention and focuses on developments of the short story as attention narrative (SP 2).


Prof. Dr. Gabriel Viehhauser

Digital Humanities, University of Vienna (


Prof. Dr. Joseph Paul Tabbi

Center for Digital Narrative, University of Bergen (



Prof. Dr. Scott Rettberg

Center for Digital Narrative, University of Bergen (



Studentische Hilfskraft

Kerstin Kurz 

Institute for Literary Studies, Department of English Literatures and Cultures, University of Stuttgart



Stipends in connection with the project - Go Digital at Stuttgart and Bergen!

  • Master's students (MA/MEd.) and Ph.D. candidates, that are enrolled at the university of Stuttgart  or at the university of Bergen in the Literary Studies and/or Digital Humanities departments and are interested in electronic literatures and digital narratives. Additionally they should be interested in contributing to the Living Glossary for Digital Narrative.

Students that are already working on their Master or Ph.D. theses are also welcome to apply.

  • Exchange semester 5 months
  • Research stays at least 3 months and maximum 5 months

Successful applicants will be granted a Baden-Württemberg stipend of 1.100,- euro/month during their stay in Bergen. The stipend is financed by the Baden Württemberg Stiftung (

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to contribute to the Living Glossary of Digital Narratives, an online, open-access, dictionary on electronic literature.

At the university of Bergen:

  • Scholarship holders can take classes by the department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies ( ). They will also be granted access to the resources of the Center for Digital Narrative ( and they can partake in events and research colloquims organized by the Center. Furthermore attendance at the (online) colloquiums and meetings of the Born Digital projects is expected.

At the university of Stuttgart:

  • At Stuttgart University, students will have the opportunity to participate in courses offered in English and American Studies (, which are all taught in English, and be integrated in events organised by the Born Digital research group, which will be jointly established by Bergen and Stuttgart.Advanced MA/MEd students working on their research theses will have access to research colloquia, be able to present their projects in joint (online) colloquia and workshops, and be co-supervised by colleagues from Stuttgart.
  • Letter of motivation (maximum 2 pages), which should state your interest for electronic literatures.
  • CV
  • Recent transcript of records

All applications should be in English. Please send your application documents to in one .pdf file.

Deadline for applications for stays in 2025/2026 is February 04, 2025.

Further information about the project and the application for a stipend can be found here:

For Stuttgart University Students  For Bergen University Students 

If you have further questions please contact Prof. Sibylle Baumbach


The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM supports the international exchange of students and vocationally qualified people. Since 2001, it has enabled more than 28,000 young people from Baden-Württemberg to gain experience abroad and allowed scholarship holders from other countries to visit Baden-Württemberg. Approximately 1,500 young people receive a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM each year.

Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Cooperations – BWS plus

With the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM for University Cooperations – BWS plus, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung supports joint projects between universities from Baden-Württemberg and their international partners.The programme is endowed with approximately 1 million Euros annually. Since 2011, more than 130 BWS plus projects have been supported at universities in Baden-Württemberg.


advocates a vital Baden-Württemberg with a high quality of life for all its residents. It helps pave the way for advanced technological progress, high quality education, and a responsible relationship with fellow human beings. The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Germany. It is the only foundation which exclusively and above party lines invests in the future of the state of Baden-Württemberg – and thus in the future of its citizens.


13.03.-14.03. | Call for Presentations Weird Stories & Wicked Communities  - University of Bergen, Center for Digital Narrative (

30.09. - 01.10.2024 | Workshop Digital Futures of Literature  - University of Stuttgart, KII, Room 17.23 ( To the programme.

05.02.2024 | 10:00-12:00 | „Let’s Build a City: The Encyclopedia Project as Essential Work“ – Dr. Hannah Maria Leontine Ackermans – Online (

28.11.2024 | 13:00-14:00 | Go Digital at Stuttgart and Bergen! - Online (

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