Neuro Impact, Institute for the Study of Culture Heidelberg (2020–)

Observing Visual Culture, Institute for the Study of Culture Heidelberg (2010–2016)

German John Fowles Society (2015–)      

Research Network 'Literary Visuality Studies' funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2011–2014) (German)

The Public Burning Project:
An Online Companion to Robert Coover's The Public Burning
(under construction)

Devoted to The Public Burning (1977), one of American postmodernism‘s quintessential texts and the Cold War counterpart to Thomas Pynchon‘s World War II novel Gravity‘s Rainbow (1973), this project aims to track down the myriad references to events, groups, persons, places, and themes in Coover‘s seminal masterpiece and to resolve its explicit or implicit citations of, allusions to and cut-ups made from other works. On completion, it will include the full annotated text of the novel, an encyclopedia breaking down its references, and a complete bibliography of texts relating to The Public Burning.