"The 9-Panel Grid in Graphic Novels: From the Golden Age to The Ωmega Men." Evening Lecture, July 3, 2019, University of Stuttgart.


"The (Counter-)Public Burning: Cold War Politics and Frontier Humor in Robert Coover's Magnum Opus." 65th Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies 'American Counter/Publics', May 25, 2018, Free University of Berlin.
Books@Work Seminar on Franz Kafka's "Ein Hungerkünstler", March 05, 2018, Heilbronn.


"Medialität im Geschichtstheater." Keynote of the Conference 'Geschichte im Rampenlicht – Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater' Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Project 'Aus den Akten auf die Bühne', October 21, 2017, Theater am Leibnizplatz, Bremen.
Books@Work Seminar on Aimee Bender's "The Color Master", August 01, 2017, Heilbronn.


"Peter Watkins' Punishment Park and the Paranoid Style." Film Screening Series 'Realisms/Realities' of the Association of Students of English and American Literature and Culture and the German-American Center/James-F.-Byrnes-Instituts, November 23, 2016, University of Stuttgart.
"De-Worlding in China Miéville's This Census-Taker." Workshop 'Worlds in Process II', Institute for English and American Studies, October 28, University of Frankfurt.
"Interpiktorialität." Seminar 'Intertextualität und Intermedialität', Institute for German Studies: Literature, Language, Media, June 07, 2016, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
"Abbreviated Description and the Wholeness of Fictional Worlds." Workshop 'Worlds in Process', Institute for Linguistics and Literary Studies, January 30, 2016, Technical University Darmstadt.


"Der große Gatsby: Einführung." 'Theater im Gespräch', November 25 & 26, 2015, Schwabenlandhalle Fellbach.
Advance Interview, Fellbacher Zeitung, 20.11.2015
"Deep Focus in Citizen Kane." Film Screening Series 'Milestones of American Cinema' of the German-American Center/ James-F.-Byrnes-Institute and the Association of Students of English and American Literature and Culture, October 21, 2015, University of Stuttgart.
"Abbreviated Description and the Wholeness of Fictional Worlds", Workshop 'Worlds in Process' of the Institute for Linguistics and Literary Studies, January 29-30, Technical University Darmstadt (in preparation).


"Ekphrastic Strategies of Description", 2nd Workshop of the Research Network ‘Ekphrasis in the Digital Age’, June 27, 2015, University of Stuttgart.
Panel Discussion "Performance im Spannungsfeld – Perzeption und Dokumentation", Exhibition 'Appropriation | Performance | Interpictoriality', Vienna Gallery Weekend, May 30, 2015, Galerie Michaela Stock, Vienna.

Left to right:
Eva Badura-Triska, Curator mumok
Günter Schönberger, Executive Secretary Bildrecht
Bernhard Cella, Artist, Salon für Kunstbuch
In the background:
Viktors Svikis, The Trap (2015)


"Companions to Great American (Postmodernist) Novels: From Print to Web", Workshop 'Digital American Studies. Theories, Practice, and Perspectives', May 28, 2014, University of Stuttgart.


(with Renate Brosch) "Die Medien der Intermedialität und die Wahrnehmung von Intermedialität", Interdisciplinary Lecture Series 'Key Concepts of the Humanities' of the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, December 12, 2013, University of Bern.
"Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and the Failure of Narrative Imperialism", International Workshop 'World Literatures, Discrepant Transnationalisms: Beyond Region and Nation?' of the International Center for the Study of Culture and Technology, December 6, 2013, University of Stuttgart.
"Scenes of the Body: the Expatriate Modernism of Djuna Barnes's Nightwood", Workshop 'Politics of Modernist Aesthetics: Canonisations – Visualities – Transpositions', November 30, 2013, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder.


"Medien-Ereignis und posthumes Sprechen vom Ereignis." Final Conference 'Anatomie des Außergewöhnlichen. Zur Produktion, Substanz und Rezeption des Ereignisses' of the Graduate Research Group 'Transnationale Media Events', July 12, 2012, University of Gießen.


"Interpiktorialität: Zur Einführung", Conference 'Interpiktorialität - der Dialog der Bilder' of the Institute for the Study of Culture Heidelberg and the English Seminar of the University of Bochum, November 04, 2011, University of Bochum.
"The Landscape of Colonialism: Description and Narration in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness", Seminar 'World Literature', October 13, 2011, Department of Comparative Literature, University of South Carolina, Columbia.
"The Real Event: Televisual Representations of the War in Iraq", Guest Lecture, October 12, 2011, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of South Carolina, Columbia.
"The Belatedness of American Literature", Open Graduate Seminar, October 10, 2011, Department of English Language and Literature, University of South Carolina, Columbia.
"Description for the Sake of Description: The Landscape of Heart of Darkness", Colloquium 'Landscape and Text', June 9, 2011, University of Stuttgart.


(with Dirk Hommrich) "Beobachtung visueller Kultur und Science and Technology Studies", Workshop 'Science and Technology Studies' of the Institute for the Study of Culture Heidelberg, October 8, 2010, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Landesverband Hessen, Frankfurt/Main.
"Visual Event Realism", Conference 'Realisms in Contemporary Culture: Theories, Politics and Medial Configurations', Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, September 25, 2010, University of Freiburg.
"Epochen der Medienkultur? Probleme der medienkulturwissenschaftlichen Periodisierung", Lecture Series 'Studies in Media Culture', May 7, 2010, University of Freiburg.


"Televisual Images of the Invisibility of War", II CECC Conference on Culture and Conflict 'The (In)Visibility of War in Literature and the Media', May 8, 2009, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa.


"Das beste Gemeinwesen? Utopie und Ironie in Morus’ Utopia", Colloquium ‘Thomas Morus’ Utopia und das Genre der Utopie in der Politischen Philosophie’ of the Institute for Philosophy of the University of Karlsruhe and the Institute for the Study of Culture Heidelberg, April 2, 2008, Kloster Bronnbach / Taubertal.


"Declaration(s) of Independence. (13) Kolonien in (Vereinigte) Staaten übersetzen", Workshop 'Übersetzungen - Risse der Verständigung' of the Institute for the Study of Culture Heidelberg, March 24, 2007, Technical University Darmstadt.
"Nachrichten vom Irak-Krieg. Ereignis-Medien und visueller Realismus", Lecture Series ‘Medienereignisse in der Moderne’ of the Graduate Research Group ‘Transnational Media Events’, the Collaborative Research Center ‘Memory Cultures’ and the Center for Media and Interactivity, February 6, 2007, University of Gießen.
Press Report: "Wenn grüne Punkte in den Nachthimmel fliegen – Gießener Kulturwissenschaftler Guido Isekenmeier schließt Ringvorlesung ‘Medienereignisse der Moderne’ ab." Gießener Anzeiger February 14, 2007.


"Theorie des Ereignisses: Derrida", Seminar 'Medienereignisse', Institute for Media Studies, November 14, 2005, University of Bochum.
"Textuelle Performativität als Produktion von Sinn", Conference ‘Fassungen textueller Eigenbewegtheit um 1800/1900’ of the Graduate Research Group ‘Classicism and Romanticism in a European Context’, June 24, 2005, University of Gießen.
"Meta-Liebeserklärung: Umberto Eco und Natasha Bedingfield", Conference 'Metaisierung in der Literatur und anderen Medien: Gattungstheorie, Poetik und Funktionen' of the Graduate Center for the Study of Culture und des Internationalen Ph.D. Programme 'Literary and Cultural Studies', April 15, 2005, University of Gießen.


"'It doesn't mean that there is an essence of literature. It even means the opposite.' Zu Derridas Préjugés", Meeting of Section 3 of the Graduate Center for the Study of Culture, November 11, 2004, University of Gießen.
"Technical Testimony: (Audio-)Visual Media as Witness", European Summer School in Cultural Studies ‘Witness: Memory, Representation and the Media in Question’ of the Copenhagen Doctoral School in Cultural Studies, Literature, and the Arts, August 27, 2004, Københavns Universitet.