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American Indian Captivity Narratives: Analog and Digital Approaches

Typ Hauptseminar
Semester WS 2015/16
Rhythmus jedes 2. Semester
Umfang 2 SWS
  • MA Digital Humanities
  • BA / MA Anglistik
  • LA Englisch (künstlerisch)
  • LA Englisch
Termin Montag, 15:45 - 17:15 Uhr
M17.12 (KII)
Dozenten Prof. Marc Priewe
Anmeldung Über LSF
LSF-Nummer 17215320
Vorkenntnisse Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.
  • Mary Rowlandson, A Narrative (1682). (any edition)
  • Matthew K. Gold, ed. Debates in the Digital Humanities. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2012. Online. <http://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu>
  • Others texts will be distributed electronically.
Voraussetzungen Due to the nature of the course, enrollment is limited to 25 students. Those planning to attend should have adequate typing skills and be prepared to acquire substantial computer knowledge (programming is not a prerequisite).
Beschreibung This course examines closely the stylistic and thematic elements of Indian captivity narratives, i.e., stories of abduction and cultural contact set along the American frontier. Class readings cover accounts by or about colonists taken hostage by Native Americans and the transformations of captivity conventions in the nineteenth-century. Such a focus on cultural encounters in US history and literature seeks to shed light on how aesthetic representations of gender, race, and ethnicity have helped to shape and define personal and national identities in times of crisis. The first part of the semester will be devoted to gaining a solid understanding of captivity narratives as a literary genre, especially its functions and main modes of re-presenting an ever reoccurring encounter scenario. Then, students will work in small teams to undertake an exploration of computational modes for analyzing a broad corpus of captivity narratives.