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A Digital Companion to Robert Coover's The Public Burning

Typ Proseminar
Semester WS 2014/15
Rhythmus Wintersemester
Umfang 2 SWS
  • BA Anglistik (2002)
  • Lehramt alt (WPO)
  • "Textual Research" im BA (2012) HF + NF
  • “Textwissenschaft” im Lehramt (GymPo) HF + BF
  • “Textwissenschaft” im BSc/MSc Technikpädagogik
  • Aufbaumodul Literaturwissenschaft, WiWi BSc Hohenheim
  • Schlüsselqualifikation (SQ) für alle Studiengänge
Termin Freitag, 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
M 17.17 (Stadtmitte, KII)
Dozent Dr. Guido Isekenmeier
Anmeldung Über Ilias
LSF-Nummer 17214021
Vorkenntnisse Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.
Literatur Coover, Robert. The Public Burning. New York: Viking, 1977. (New York: Grove, 1998.)
Voraussetzungen Der Text muss vor dem Seminar gelesen werden.
Beschreibung This seminar approaches Robert Coover’s seminal 1977 postmodernist novel The Public Burning from at least three different angles: 1) a historico-cultural one from which the book appears as an encyclopedia of the United States in 1953 (which makes this course a cultural studies introduction to the early Cold War); 2) an (inter-)textual one in which the book is studied for its rich network of references to literary and other texts, which makes this course a literary studies introduction to (inter-)textual analysis; and 3) a digital philology one aiming at making the insights of the other two approaches available in electronic form (which makes this an introduction to the tools of digital humanities). Thus, our in-depth discussion of the book will be followed by an effort to collectively produce an annotated edition of (a part of) Coover’s novel with the help of the TextGrid Laboratory (http://www.textgrid.de/). No prior knowledge of digital editing is required, but you will have to read the text beforehand. This seminar is part of the teaching project ‘Das Digitale Archiv Stuttgart’ (www.uni-stuttgart.de/dda).