This image shows Curtis Runstedler

Curtis Runstedler


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Literaturwissenschaft
Abteilung Englische Literaturen und Kulturen


Keplerstr. 17
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 4.030

Office Hours

Mittwoch, 13:00 -14:00


April 2022 - present 

IRIS (Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems) Postdoctoral Researcher (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Stuttgart University, Department of  English Literatures and Cultures

October 2021-March 2022

Postdoctoral Fellow (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Stuttgart University, Department of 
English Literatures and Cultures. 

April 2020-September 2021

Postdoctoral Fellow, in the context of the Research Training Group (by the German National 
Research Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) on “Ambiguity – Production and 
Perception,” Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Department of English (Lehrstuhl Professor 
Dr Matthias Bauer).

April 2019-March 2020

Teach@Tübingen Fellowship (Excellence Initiative), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 
Department of English (Lehrstuhl Professor Dr Matthias Bauer).



Ph. D. in Medieval Literature, Durham University.


M. A. in Medieval and Renaissance Literary Studies (Merit), Durham University.


B. A. English with a Minor in History (Honours), Carleton University.


Runstedler, Curtis. Alchemy and Exemplary Poetry in Middle English Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, New Middle Ages series, 2023). Print and E-book.

Edited Volumes (Under Review)

Runstedler, Curtis, and Arya Aryan (eds.). Fiction in the Age of Globalization. De Gruyter.

Book Chapters

Runstedler, Curtis. “Cersei Lannister, Regal Commission, and the Alchemists in Game of Thrones and A Song of Fire and Ice.” Queenship and the Women of Westeros: Female Agency and Advice in Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, ed. Zita Rohr and Lisa Benz (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). 129-144. Print and E-book.

Journal Articles (Under Review)

Runstedler, Curtis. “The Consolation of Exempla: Gower’s Sources of Hope and Healing in the Confessio Amantis.” Accessus: A Journal of Premodern Literature and New Media.

Journal Articles (Current)
Runstedler, Curtis. “Transmuting John Gower: Elias Ashmole’s Hermetic Reading of Gower’s Jason and the Golden Fleece Tale.” 6/2. 2020. Accessus: A Journal of Premodern Literature and New Media.
Runstedler, Curtis. “John Gower’s Alchemical Afterlife in Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum (1652).” Neophilologus. 104/2. 2020. 263-81. Print and Online.
Runstedler, Curtis, “The Benevolent Medieval Werewolf in William of Palerne.” Werewolves and Wilderness, ed. Sam George and Bill Hughes. Gothic Studies: Werewolves, Wild Children, and Wilderness. 21/1. 2019. 54-67. Print and Online.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Saintly Bodies, Cult, and Ecclesiastical Identity in Anglo-Saxon Northumbria.” Postgraduate English. 32. 2016. Online. Link
Runstedler, Curtis. “Merlin the Scientist? Magic and Medieval Science in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae.” Darkness and Illumination: The Pursuit of Knowledge in the Medieval and Early Modern World, ed. Hannah Piercy, Abigail Steed, and Abigail Richards. MEMSA Journal 2. 2016. 41-61. Print and Online.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Medicine and the Medieval Arabic World: Ophthalmology, Cardiology, and Wine in Ibn Sina’s Canon of Medicine.” Foundation. 6/1. 2014. 15-23. Print and Online.
Online Articles
Runstedler, Curtis. “Give Him a Mask, and He Will Tell You the Truth.” The Public Medievalist. September 2019. Online. Link
Runstedler, Curtis. “Life and Death in the Anglo-Japanese Medieval World of Majora's Mask.” Durham University Anglo-Japanese Society Cultural Digest, 1/5. 2015. 1-3. Online.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Herzog's Dancing Chicken Explained.” The Bubble. 19 March 2015. Online. Link
Runstedler, Curtis. “The Trouble with Thomas: The Controversies of Thomas Becket.” History Today. 12 February 2015. Online. Link
Runstedler, Curtis. “Space Colonisation: The Final Frontier?” The Bubble. 3 February 2015. Online. Link
Runstedler, Curtis. “Herzog in the Heat of It All: Review of La Soufrière (1977).” The Bubble, 20 November 2014. Online. Link
Book Reviews (Current)
Runstedler, Curtis. “Review of Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages by Arvind Thomas.” Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch. 2021.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity.” Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society. 111/3. 2020. 659-60. Print and Online.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Ymage de vie: Spéculation et expérimentation dans un traité d’alchimie médiévale.” Ambix. 2020. Print and Online.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Chaucer the Alchemist: Physics, Mutability, and the Medieval Imagination.” Ambix. 65/4. 2018. 410-11. Print and Online.
Runstedler, Curtis. “Review of Rhetoric and Medicine in Early Modern Europe by Stephen Pender and Nancy S. Struever.” The British Society for Literature and Science. 2015. Online. Link
Runstedler, Curtis. “Review of The Middle Ages by Johannes Fried.” MAKE: A Literary Magazine. 2015. Online. Link


His research investigates depictions of AI and robots in contemporary English literature, particularly how literature can be used as a tool for critically reflecting upon intelligent systems.

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