Literature and Culture as Research Field
The University of Stuttgart’s Department of American Literature and Culture follows, in its diverse research interests and interdisciplinary cultural studies, the direction established by American Studies in North America. This includes a research field that reaches across subjects, and using a variety of theoretic and conceptual approaches, illuminates myriad aspects of American literature and culture.
Below you can find information about the unique research areas of our department:
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Research Projects
Prof. Dr. Marc Priewe, Jana Keck M.A.
Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks in Historical
Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914.“ (DFG, 2017-2019)
Recent Publications
Review of Priewe, Marc. "Textualizing Illness: Medicine and Culture in New England, 1620-1730". (2014) in Amerikastudien/American Studies 60.4. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016.
Priewe, Marc, Frederike Offizier und Ariane Schröder, eds. Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016.
Whit Frazier Peterson, M.A. from the American Studies department of the University of Stuttgart will be presenting his paper, "The Afrofuturist Historical Novel" at the American Literary Association conference in Boston on May 23, 2019.
Whitney Frazier Peterson, M.A. will give a talk on “The Black Arts Movement and
the Esoteric Afrofuturism of Sun Ra” at the Graduate Student Conference
“American Cultures of Dissent” at the University of Leipzig on April 28, 2018.
Marc Priewe
Prof. Dr.Head of Department American Literature and Culture
Anja Welch