
Here you can find information about the various kinds of examinations you will have during your studies.

In the modules, ungraded study achievements (USL), graded study achievements (BSL), examination achievements (PL) and course-accompanying examinations (LPB) have to be completed. You must register for these exams at C@MPUS or at Prüfungsamt (examination office). Please refer to the Examinations Office's homepage for information on registration and withdrawal deadlines and the examination regulations in your respective degree programme for withdrawing and repeating.

In addition to the regular module examinations, there are important deadlines that have to be met and examinations that you have to take. These will depend on the degree programme. These include:

The orientation examination, which takes place at the end of the second semester of the undergraduate course, is aimed at checking your study decision in order to be able to correct any decisions that might be wrong without losing too much time. The departments define the modules that you must have completed by a certain point in time. These courses must have been successfully completed by the end of the 3rd semester at the latest.
The Study Progress Plans (SVP) or the Examination Regulations (PO) will inform you about which modules are part of the orientation examination. If you are unable to meet the deadline for reasons beyond your control, please contact course manager or Prüfungsausschussvorsitzenden (chairperson of the examining board).

The intermediate examination is taken in the GymPO teacher training courses, where it marks the transition from basic to advanced studies. According to the curricula, the intermediate examination can be taken at the end of the 4th semester, but must be completed by the beginning of the 7th semester at the latest. Similar to the orientation examination, the intermediate examination is automatically passed when all associated modules have been registered. A list of these modules can be found in the Study Plan (SVP) or in the Examination Regulations (PO).

The State Examination for Teachers is organized by the Landeslehrerprüfungsamt (Office of the State Examination Board for Teachers (http://www.llpa-bw.de/,Lde/Startseite). On the homepage, you will find all important information as well as registration forms to download. If you have registered for the state examination, you will have to find examiners yourself for German. Look here for a list of examiners (s.b.).

The examination consists of an oral examination of 60 min. in the main subject and 45 min. in the minor. It is divided among the departments in which the candidate studied.

In the HF Deutsch (German major), you choose three examination topics (15 min. each) in consultation with your examiners. In addition, basic knowledge from the three subject areas will be tested.

  • 20 minutes of the examination are spent on linguistics. Your examination subject from the field of linguistics (language history or language as a system or language as a means of communication) will last for about 15 minutes, plus questions about basic knowledge of linguistics. Information on preparing for the basic knowledge part is available here.
  • 40 minutes of the examination are devoted to literary studies. Select a topic from the literature section for the period after 1850 (NDL) and one from the literature section before 1850 (NDL or Medieval Studies). For the two main topics on literature, the same subject area (genre/epoch/author) must not be selected twice. 10 min. is allotted to basic knowledge, which is examined by an examiner from the other subject area, depending on which subject area you have chosen for the second subject area. You will find information about preparing for the examination here.

With BF Deutsch (German minor), in consultation with your examiners, you will choose a topic from linguistics and one from literature from the 18th century onwards (15 min. each). In addition, 5 min. basic knowledge is tested in each subject area. The same regulations apply for preparation of the basic knowledge part as in the main subject.n Regelungen wie im Hauptfach.

Most courses end with a thesis, i.e. a bachelor's, master's or scientific thesis (GymPO). Find a topic in good time and discuss it with an examiner. Register the thesis with the Examination Office (GymPO at the LLPA).

The examination regulations contain information on the registration deadlines and the processing time. In addition, the departments have agreed on an average size:


Course of study
Time for Application

Processing time


BA German Studies major

At the earliest after 80 ECTS have been acquired in the major; at the latest, four weeks after the last examination (note: not on the day the marks are booked)

12 weeks

~ 40 pages

BA Teaching Profession

At the earliest after 51 ECTS have been acquired in the respective subject.

2 months

~ 25-30 pages

MA Literary Studies: German Language and Literature

At the earliest after 60 ECTS have been acquired

6 months

~ 60 pages

M.Ed. German

At the earliest after 12 ECTS have been acquired in the subject in question.

6 months

~ 60 pages

M.Ed. German as an Extension Subject

At the earliest after 60 ECTS have been acquired

6 months

~ 60 pages

Academic Paper (GymPO)

At the earliest after the intermediate examination; at the latest in the phase before the oral state examination in the subject in which the thesis is written. The exact application deadline can be found in the LLPA information.

16 weeks ~ 60 pages


Please refer to your examination regulations for information on the maximum duration of your course of study. It is usually four semesters longer than the standard period of study. By the end of the maximum period of studies, you should have completed all your exams as well as your final thesis.

If you are unable to meet the deadline for reasons beyond your control, please contact course manager or Prüfungsausschussvorsitzenden (chairperson of the examining board).

If you have decided about your thesis or your state examination, you should find an examiner. Please contact the following examiners with your proposed topic:


  BA thesis MA thesis / academic paper State examination
Andreas Bässler x x x
Toni Bernhart x x x
Madeleine Brook x    
Annette Bühler-Dietrich x x x
Torsten Hoffmann x x x
Barbara Potthast x x x
Sandra Richter x x x
Alexandra Tischel x x x
Marie Wokalek x    
Yvonne Zimmermann x    
Claus Zittel x x x



  BA thesis MA thesis / academic paper State examination
Manuel Braun x x x
Cornelia Herberichs x x x
Matthias Kirchhoff x    


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