German Studies seeks cooperation with other institutions in order to give students an insight during their studies into various professions. For this reason, we have been maintaining various teaching cooperations over a number of years from which you can benefit.
Currently, teaching activities in the field of German Studies (German as a foreign and second language) are being expanded both in Germany and abroad. Language schools, language teaching institutes and adult education centres, as well as large companies, offer courses in adult education that try to meet the growing demand.
With the aim of providing you with a sound, practical basis for your entry into teaching and teaching in the field of German as a Foreign Language, the Language Centre of the University of Stuttgart offers several modules in Erweiterungscurriculum Deutsch als Fremdsprache lehren lernen (EC DaFLL) (Extension Curricula Learning to Teach German as a Foreign Language), which, if you visit all of them, conclude with the acquisition of a university certificate that is course-related and qualifies you professionally. Like all courses at the Language Centre, the DaFLL modules are open to all students at the university. However, as they open up additional career prospects, especially for German studies students or future German teachers, we offer you the following modules which can also be taken as part of the regular courses of study:
BA German Studies major
The four basic DaFLL modules can be registered for in our BA German Studies major (PO 2015) in the area of subject related key qualifications: Methodology/Didactics I; Learning Grammar; Methodology/Didactics II; Testing and Evaluation. In addition, the module "Literatur im DaF-Unterunterricht" (Literature in DaF classes) can be taken in the elective area "Literature and Communication" of the examination regulations of 2015.
MA Literary Studies: German Language and Literature
In the elective area “Professional Experience", in which you can get a taste of various practical professional seminars, you can take the module Literatur im DaF-Unterricht (Literature in German as a Foreign Language).
BA German (teaching degree)
In the elective subject "Literary Studies" (5th semester), we have created a new module that offers seminars in cooperation with the Language Centre. This is the module "Intercultural Literary Studies". In addition, from now on, we will always try to offer seminars related to DaFZ in the module Subject-related Didactics German I. Finally, we would like to point out that the certificate which you acquire in the DaFLL expansion curriculum offers, especially for future German teachers, an additional qualification that could open up further fields of work for you in your professional life.
Please note that registration for the seminars takes place via the Language Centre.
The Deutsche Literature Archive Marbach is the leading international research and collection institution for German literature from 1800 to the present. Our students should also be able to benefit from the direct proximity of one of the largest literary archives. After all, the content of the Marbach Literary Archives are not only an important source for student research. Working in the archive also makes it possible to get to know possible fields of work. Last but not least, many of our students complete an internship in Marbach.
At different levels and with different levels of demand, we introduce German language and literature students to the fields of knowledge of the Literary Archives.
An archive day was held for the first time in 2015 in the module "Theories and Methods of the NDL” in the second semester of the undergraduate Bachelor's degree programme. The main aim here is to give students an initial insight into the collections, the collection mission and the extensive research library.
Thanks to close interaction of personnel, we are grateful that the employees of the Literary Archives frequently give lectures to our students throughout the semester. Depending on the main topic, the events take place at the university or in the Marbach Literary Archives, but either way, the relationship to the Archives or its material always plays an important role. Regular lecturers are, for example, PD Dr. Philip Ajouri, Dr. Jan Bürger, Dr. Gunilla Eschenbach, Prof. Dr. Heike Gfrereis und Dr. Anna Kinder.
In the practical module "Archive, Museum and Library", employees of the German Literary Archives regularly offer seminars. Here, for example, processes in the Literaturmuseum der Moderne (Museum of Modern Literature, Marbach) are co-designed or archive holdings organized. This gives students a deeper insight into future fields of work.
Internships in the German Literary Archive are available in the Bachelor of German Language and Literature and in the Master of Literary Studies: German Language and Literature and credit can be awarded