Contact Persons
The department secretary for American literature and culture is Anja Welch; for English literatures and cultures Anne-Sophie Dantoing; and for English linguistics Ralf Bothner.
The module coordinators are listed in the entry for the respective modules in the module handbook under point 8.
The “Fachgruppe Anglistik” is the student interest group for this department; for non-course-specific matters, there is also the general student union of the University of Stuttgart (Stuvus).
You can find information about C@mpus here. You should contact the Examinations Office if you have any questions about your credits on C@mpus.
Answers to the most common questions about ILIAS can be found on the login page; you can also find the detailed official user documentation for ILIAS here.
The study-abroad manager of the department is Dr. Martin Windisch. You can also contact the university’s Central International Office.
Courses of Study and Degrees
Prospective school teachers can obtain the Bachelor of Arts (“Englisch Lehramt”) as well as the postgraduate Master of Education (“Englisch Lehramt”). Moreover, students can apply for a general English Studies Bachelor of Arts (“Anglistik”) as well as the postgraduate Master of Arts (“English and American Studies / English Linguistics”). Further information on these degrees can be found here.
For outstanding M.A. graduates interested in broadening their research skills, there is also the possibility of applying for a PhD (for further information, see section “PhD Degree”)
The examination regulations, sometimes also called study regulations, can be found here.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.
Orientation Test
The components of the test are in the examination regulations; subject-specific regulations are listed under §1 (for B.A. English), or §2 (for B.A. English Lehramt), respectively. For more information, contact the Program Manager.
In special cases, the Orientation Test can be postponed; please contact the Program Manager. Details can be found in the examination regulations, general part, §8, section 3 (for B.A. Anglistik), or §6, section 3 (for B.A. English Lehramt).
Evidence must be provided by the end of the 3rd semester at the latest. If proof of the university entrance qualifications is already available to the university, this will be automatically registered by the examination office at the end of the 3rd semester.
For details see the examination regulations, general part, §8 (for B.A. English), or §6 (for B.A. English Lehramt); if you are unsure about your status, please contact the Program Manager
General Exams
Examination registration is carried out within a fixed period of time (can be checked on the homepage of the examination office and the students are also informed of it by email). Registration must be done by the students themselves via C@mpus (→ see the linked information). If an exam on C@mpus is missing, please contact the Program Manager as soon as possible.
Special case: Hohenheim students must register directly (by email or in person) with the lecturer giving the exam. More information in this document.
Each exam is assigned its own number, which you can find in the module handbook, the courses offered on C@mpus and your C@mpus account. You will need the exam number when you register. It should be noted that you have to register for *all* your exam numbers, including those for USL (ungraded course work), although not for preliminary course work (“Vorleistungen”). In some cases, there will be more than one exam number assigned to an event; if so, *both* numbers must be registered. You can also find overviews for Introduction to Literary Studies, Text Studies and Textual Research, Text and Context, and for the seminars here.
Yes, because exam registration is not automatic – not even if you are retaking the same exam. To retake an exam in the following semester, you will need to register online via C@mpus; to retake an exam during the same semester, you must use the replacement form (see section “Other forms”).
Exam withdrawal can be done by the student directly via C@mpus during the period stated there. After the end of this period, you can request a withdrawal using the appropriate form (see section “Withdrawal from exams”); Send the completed and signed form as a PDF to the Program Manager via email. Withdrawal is no longer possible once the examination has been taken / submitted.
Failed exams can usually be retaken once in writing and a second time orally. After the Orientation Test, there are two opportunities to take two written retakes and a third oral retake. The possibility of the second retake is specified in the examination regulations, general part, §20, or §18 for M.A. English studies.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.
The module handbook specifies whether an examination is a USL (ungraded course work) or PL (graded course work) exam. The weighting of the respective exams for the overall assessment of the module is also specified there.
For courses that can count for different modules, there is the possibility (after consultation with the lecturer) to register for the examination with a different module number than the one you originally signed up for.
In justified individual cases, the examination can be registered with the same teacher (upon consultation) in the next examination registration period. In emergencies (e.g. reaching the maximum total length of study, stays abroad, health restrictions) there is also the possibility of late registration that same semester using the appropriate form, which should, however, be avoided if possible. For more information, contact the Program Manager
The first thing you should do is contact the lecturer or person giving the exam, as it may be possible, depending on the exam, to take it at a later date in the near future. If there are problems with this and/or you cannot reach the lecturer, you can officially register yourself as sick at the exam office, in which case a repeat exam will be scheduled. Keep in mind you will have to register for the exam again on C@mpus.
The length, form and scope of the research paper and your examination requirements can be found in the respective module descriptions. Here you will also find overviews of Introduction to Literary Studies, Text Studies, Textual Research, Text and Context, as well as an overview of the seminars themselves.
Unless otherwise stated by the lecturer, the term paper should be submitted by the deadline both as a printed copy to the lecturer (or to the secretary’s office of the department) and digitally per email to the lecturer as a pdf file. The hard copy should be printed on one side of the page and must be firmly bound or stapled; ‘loose-leaf collections’ should be avoided. The individual pages should also not be collected in individual plastic sleeves.
Final Thesis
There is no fixed registration deadline. In order to be able to register, a minimum number of ECTS credits must be obtained. For the exact number and further details see the respective examination regulations, general part, §24 for B.A. Anglistik, §27 for B.A. English Lehramt and §26 for M.A. and M.Ed as well as §22, section 5 für M.A. Anglistik, §24, section 3 for M.A. EASEL and §26, section 4 (general Part) for M.Ed. English.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.
How do you find a supervisor and when should you begin looking for one? Do you need a second reader?
It is advisable to have attended a thematically relevant seminar with the lecturer and to inquire about the possibility of supervision as early as possible.
A second supervisor is required for an M.A./M.Ed. thesis as well as for the B.A. thesis in Anglistik (but not B.A. Lehramt!).
The following lecturers are eligible as initial supervisors, but you should always consult with them if they are currently available.
For B.A.:
Abteilung Englische Literaturen und Kulturen
- Prof. Dr. Sibylle Baumbach
- Dr. Jessica Bundschuh
- Dr. Nina Engelhardt
- Dr. Thomas Wägenbaur
- Dr. Martin Windisch
Abteilung Amerikanische Literatur und Kultur
- Prof. Dr. Marc Priewe
- Dr. Guido Isekenmeier
- Dr. Saskia Schabio
- Dr. Sabine Metzger
For M.A. & M.Ed.:
Abteilung Englische Literaturen und Kulturen
- Prof. Dr. Sibylle Baumbach
- Dr. Thomas Wägenbaur
- Dr. Martin Windisch
Abteilung Amerikanische Literatur und Kultur
- Prof. Dr. Marc Priewe
- Dr. Saskia Schabio
You can register using the form in C@mpus found under “my applications.” In some cases (Students with combined studies e.g. Bachelor of Education) this function is not available on C@mpus; in this case, the Program Manager or your supervisor can provide a form in which the Examination Office will be able to add the ECTS acquired by the student later.
You can check the assigned working time in this overview.
If necessary (and only in justifiable cases and after consultation with the supervisor), the time required for the final thesis can be extended by up to 4 weeks for B.A., or 2 months for M.A./M.Ed. students. A corresponding request form (see section “Other forms”) must be promptly filled out, signed and submitted as a PDF document to the Program Manager. For details see the respective examination regulations, general part, §24 for B.A. Anglistik, §27 for B.A. Englisch Lehramt as well as §22, section 3 for M.A. Anglistik, §24, section 4 for M.A. EASEL and §26, section 6 (general Part) für M.Ed. English. A further extension in special cases is only possible through the secretary’s office.
Exception: extension of the deadline according to the Women's Advancement Plan or for students with children is also possible; see Women's Advancement Plan, point 4.3.2.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.
If the maximum duration of your degree (BA: 10 semesters, MA: 8 semesters) cannot be met, an extension must be requested from the Program Manager (using the “Application for extension of deadline” form in the section “Other Forms”).
The required word count can be found in this overview.
You can find templates for the cover sheet for a Bachelor or Master Thesis and for the "Wissenschaftliche Arbeit" (research thesis) here.
You must submit 3 bound copies (or 2 for B.A. Lehramt) and a digital copy. The bound copies must be submitted to the secretary’s office, where they will be stamped on receipt.
An oral presentation of 20-30 minutes is only required for an M.A. English or an M.A. EASEL thesis. For details see the examination regulations, general part, §22, section 8 for M.A. English studies, or § 24, section 7 for M.A. EASEL.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.
Here is an overview of how plagiarism is defined and how it can be avoided. As a form of intellectual theft, plagiarism will result in a failing grade due to attempted fraud and possibly more serious consequences. For details see examination regulations, general part, §18, section 4, or for M.A. English Studies §16, section 4 and for M.A. EASEL §17, section 4.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.
You can find the printable statement form here.
PhD Degree
Prospective PhD students are expected to contact a potential supervisor with a detailed proposal for their PhD thesis as well as their CV and a work sample (i.e. their MA thesis), which will serve as foundation to discuss whether the project proposed can be supervised at the department. If the envisaged supervisor agrees, you can formally apply and enrol as PhD student at the University of Stuttgart. Further information on documents and formal requirements for the application and enrolment process can be found here; information on the university’s graduate academy GRADUS can be found here.
There is no course programme tailored specifically to PhD students. As PhD student, you will have access to the university library and can attend research colloquia and all of the university’s classes as well as qualification courses (e.g. on research strategies, proposal writing, or time management) offered by GRADUS while using the rest of your time to work on your PhD thesis.
PhD students can apply for any vacant faculty positions; the university’s job vacancies can be found here. But apart from that, no funding or scholarships are provided by the department or the university. To apply for funding, you might want to consider the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), whose PhD scholarships you can find here. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research also provides an overview of funding programms for international PhD students, which you can find here.
Hohenheim students must register directly (by email or in person) with the lecturer. More information in this document.
The department's international coordinator is Dr. Martin Windisch. Here is an overview of our department’s exchange and international scholarship opportunities. You can also contact the University's International Center.
The current module handbook is on C@mpus. Older versions of it can be found here.
Reading lists are available in the M.Ed. English for the module exam 70850 Literary Competence as well as for teacher’s degrees GymPO (from WiSe 14/15). The reading lists must be completed before the respective exam, which is why it is advisable to start reading early! You can find the reading lists here, at the bottom of the page. You will also find information on the process and registration of the module “Linguistic and Literary Competence” (M.Ed.) in the “Working materials” section.
You can find the reading lists here.
Key qualifications only apply to B.A. Anglistik majors. They are regulated in the examination regulations, special section §3. The Center for Teaching and Further Education also offers further information.
The “KVV” (kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis) is the annotated course catalog for the semester. In this directory you can find the courses offered for the semester, brief descriptions of the courses, dates and their module assignments. You can find the KVV here.
The examination regulations, sometimes also called study regulations, can be found here.
Please note: To help our international students, there is an inofficial English translation of the study and exam regulations for M.A. EASEL available on our website.