Admission requirements are a grade point average of 2.5 or better and a BA degree in a humanities subject that is compatible with the University of Stuttgart, i.e. Philosophy, History, Art History, History of Science and Technology, Linguistics, English Studies, Romance Studies OR German Studies.
The Digital Humanities degree program at the University of Stuttgart is divided into three main areas:
- Specialization in the Digital Humanities
- Specialization in humanities disciplines
- Specialization in computer science
Within each area, both compulsory and elective subjects are offered, allowing students to tailor their studies according to their individual interests and career goals.
A detailed overview of the study plan can be found on the website on the course of studies.
We assume that you have little or no knowledge of computer science. You will learn all the important basics in the first semester. If you would like to prepare yourself, the best way to do this is to “get a taste” of a programming language. Python is the programming language that is used here and as standard in the DH. You can take online courses in advance, such as those offered by coursera or codecademy. In addition, some universities offer software carpentry courses in which Python is taught - perhaps your BA university is one of them.
No, only BA degrees in the humanities can be considered for admission. As you will specialize in a humanities subject, it must also be compatible with the subjects offered in Stuttgart. This means that you must have a grounding in philosophy, history, art history, history of science and technology, linguistics, English studies, Romance studies OR German studies.
Yes, in theory, students of Romance Studies and/or Art History can follow up their studies with a general Digital Humanities Master's degree. However, it is also possible to study Romance Studies, Art History and Digital Humanities in combination.
More Informationen: Study page Romance Studies / Digital Humanities.
Ideally, you should only take courses from the specialization [120] 'Compulsory elective modules in the humanities' in the summer semester.
In the winter semester, you start with the modules that are recommended for the first semester, i.e. “Theoretical and Computer Science Foundations for the Digital Humanities”, “Methods of Machine Language Processing”, “Programming Course for the DH”, “DH Colloquium I - Insight into the DH”.
In the following summer semester, you will complete the “Project work”.
With these courses and modules, you have the tools to complete the remaining modules in any order. However, please note that not all courses are offered every semester.
More Information: Website on the course of study.
Congratulations! If you would like to take the 'Digital Humanities' degree program, please accept your place via C@MPUS. In all other cases, it is important that you decline the place. This will enable us to plan more precisely for the number of first-year students.
New to the University of Stuttgart? The university's student portal provides a good overview of everything that is important at the start of your studies (and beyond).
We are very happy to welcome students from as many different humanities disciplines as possible. If you have not yet studied any of the typical humanities at the University of Stuttgart, but have a basic knowledge of one of the subjects, then attend courses at Master's level in this subject (Philosophy, History, Art History, History of Science and Technology, Linguistics, English Studies, Romance Studies OR German Studies) in the “Humanities specialization” study block.
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Study program manager
Our program manager Pascal Hein will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your studies.
Head of department
The Department of Digital Humanities at the University of Stuttgart is currently headed by Prof. Dr. Mareike Schumacher. If you are interested in the DH department, please get in touch.

Pascal Hein
Academic Staff
Kerstin Dorner