The KOALA innovation initiative funded project gets students of the B.Ed. German together with students of the degree Kultur- und Medienbildung for the purpose of finding answers to the question how social heritage and cultural education correlate with one another. Informations can be found hier.
Project Leadership: Kathrin Leipold, Gitte Lindmaier, Dr. Yvonne Zimmermann
As part of the BMBF-funded collaborative project Lehrerbildung PLUS (Teacher Education PLUS) the German Studies Department of the University of Stuttgart is aiming to anchor heterogeneity in German as a Subject, especially with regard to cultural and linguistic differences. Please read here .
Project staff: Katrin Hudey, PD Dr. Annette Bühler-Dietrich
With the so-called wave of refugees, the project seminars Sprachpaten für Geflüchteten (Language Mentors for Fugitives) and Im Dialog mit Geflüchteten - socio-politische Themen (Dialogue with the fugitives - socio-political topics) were developed. Since April 2016, these have been funded by the DAAD and organised in cooperation with the Language Centre. Please read here.
Project Leadership: Fabian Dirscherl, Dr. Marcus Willand, Dr. Yvonne Zimmermann
Object Text: Libraries, Collections, Manuscripts is a teaching project of Modern German Literature at the University of Stuttgart together with the German Literary Archive Marbach. It received an award from and is supported by the Mercator Foundation as part of the initiative "SammLehr - an Objekte lehren und lernen” (SammLehr - learn and teach using objects). The project is aimed at students of Master's degree courses in Literature: German Language and Literature and Knowledge Cultures. The duration of the teaching project is three years (2013-2016). The aim of the project seminars is to familiarize students with basic questions of literary research and to train core philological competencies. The focus is on the text as an object: In particular, haptic, visual, but also aesthetic impressions should be the focus of attention. Work is in progress on and with the holdings of the German Literary Archives. The seminars usually take place in blocks in the Marbach seminar rooms; during the seminar, students can use the research library and the manuscript reading room to prepare for the workshop and their seminar papers. The research work in the archive can thus be tested in close collaboration with scholars, librarians and archivists. In this way, students are prepared for their first major independent research project, the master thesis.
Project Leadership: Prof. Dr. Sandra Richter
Project staff: Dr. Claudia Löschner
The digital archive Stuttgart (DDA) is a teaching project within the program Welcome to Science of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, Baden-Württemberg. In accordance with Digital Humanities, the humanities are combined with computer science and various courses from this field are offered to students of the University of Stuttgart.
Project Leadership: Prof. Dr. Sandra Richter
Project staff: Peggy Bockwinkel
The project “Wo ist Afrika?“ – Postkoloniale Literaturwissenschaft und interkulturelle Begegnungen (Where is Africa? - Postcolonial Literary Studies and Intercultural Encounters) is funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung as part of the Denkwerk - Schüler, Lehrer und Geisteswissenschaftler (Denkwerk - Pupils, Teachers and Scholars) programme. The aim of the foundation program is to give pupils and teachers an insight into current research in the humanities and social sciences. Through active participation in smaller research projects, pupils get to know questions and methods of the humanities or social sciences. Cooperation partners of "Where is Africa?" are the Goethe Gymnasium Ludwigsburg, Gymnasium Renningen, Gymnasium Skt Meinrad, Rottenburg/Neckar and Lycée Nelson Mandela in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
The project familiarizes pupils beyond the headlines of the "disaster continent" with Africa through literature and direct cultural encounters. The pupils explore African literature and culture and confront it with the foreign images of Africa that French and German literatures create.
This analysis is supplemented and, if necessary, corrected by direct contact and exchange with African high school pupils from the Lycée Nelson Mandela in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. A joint workshop in Ouagadougou is planned for 2012, a volume containing materials for school use will be developed and published at the end of the project in cooperation with Klett Verlag.
Project Leadership: PD Dr. Annette Bühler-Dietrich, Françoise Joly