Stelle als Studiengangsmanager*in (w/m/d) (Teilzeit, 50%) am Institut für Literaturwissenschaft zu besetzen News 11/12/24
We are seeking to fill a position of a Post/Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) in Computational Literary Studies! News 10/26/24
22.-23.11 |Join us for a trip to the conference on Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida in Weimar! News 10/26/24
22-23.02.|Call for Papers: The ‘Ordinary Magic’ of Resilience in Anglophone Literatures: Past, Present, Futures News 9/3/23
Stellenausschreibung: Wissenchaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d) Abteilung Englische Literaturen und Kulturen News 8/10/23
7. & 8. July 2023 | FOLDING & ARCHIVING GEOGRAPHIES: A Poetic Conversation between Belfast and Stuttgart (Workshop) News 7/4/23
15.06 | Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann (University of Düsseldorf): “Postcolonial Studies” (15:45-17:15, Lecture Hall 17.01) — ALL WELCOME! News 6/9/23
14.06. | Vischer Lecture by Prof. Dr. Karin Kukkonen (University of Oslo): “Contingency, Form and Practice: A Cognitive Perspective on Creativity in Literary Writing” (13:00, Room 17.25) — ALL WELCOME! News 6/9/23
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann as part of the Vischer Lectures on 09 November, 2022 News 11/8/22
04.11. | BAchelor with major and minor (B.A.) at the University of Stuttgart: Possibilities and Perspectives News 10/27/22
Open Position | Doctoral Research and Teaching Assistant (Wissenschaftlich*e Mitarbeiter*in) - English Literatures and Cultures News 6/9/22
Symposium: "A Divided Kingdom? Literary Cultures of Scotland and Northern England" - 03.06.2022 News 6/1/22
Guest lecture by David Lo: "John Keats, the Nightingale & the Phenomenology of Aesthetic Estrangement" - 30.06.2022 News 4/28/22
Guest lecture: "An Epistolary Poetics: The Letters of John Keats & Negative Capability" - 28.04.2022 News 4/11/22
MA & BA Anglistik Mentoring Program: "How can university serve you better?" - 04.05.2022 News 4/11/22
Brand new cooperation with the North Academy of World Languages: Spend four months (Sept.-Dec. 2022) as an Academic Volunteer in the U.S.A. News 3/18/22
Stuttgart representation for major Australian literature conference: “Coming to Terms, 30 Years On: The Mabo Legacy in Australian Writing.” - 04. - 08. Juli 2022 News 2/16/22
Australian Studies symposium: “(Un)belonging: In Search of New Representations, Negotiations, Entanglements.” Nov. 19-20, 2021 News 11/6/21
Erfinden, Schöpfen, Machen; Körper- und Imaginationstechniken - Published by Nina Engelhardt and Johannes F.M. Schick News 8/2/21
New book, edited by Geoff Rodoreda and Eva Bischoff: "Mabo's Cultural Legacy: History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia" News 7/13/21
Guest Lecture by Padraig Regan (poet): "On the Prose Poem & Still Life", on 01 July 2021 News 6/24/21
Guest lecture and discussion, with Sue Kossew: “On Disgrace, Women, Ideas of Nation: JM Coetzee and his Works.” News 6/5/21
Out now! “Brexit and Academia” - a special issue of the European Journal for English Studies (EJES), co-edited by Sibylle Baumbach and Andreas Maurer News 6/4/21
Online reading event and discussion with Megan Hunter, author of The End We Start From. Tuesday, January 5th 2021, 10:00am-12:00noon and 2:00pm-4:30pm. News 1/5/21
Public talk (online) by Dr. Marco Bernini, “Phantasmal Intersubjectivity: Co-Presence and the Emersivity of Literary Characters”. From 09:45 to 11:15 News 12/2/20
Guest lecture: The Modernist Influence of W.B. Yeats’s Late Play, “Purgatory” From 09:45 to 11:15 News 12/18/20
Nina Engelhardt rewarded with the "Publikationspreis der Universität Stuttgart“ for her book Modernism, Fiction and Mathematics. News 2/16/20
Online applications to the Pedagogical Exchange Service as a Foreign Language Assistant in Great Britain and Ireland for the school year 2019/20 News 12/13/18