
Englisch Literatures and Cultures

Current research projects and publications by the English Literatures and Cultures department.

The research areas at the Department of English Literatures and Culture at the University of Stuttgart cover a broad spectrum of topics – from Early Modern to contemporary, digital literature, from Shakespeare studies to postcolonial theories to approaches from the field of cognitive literary studies. In these areas, our department is involved in numerous transdisciplinary collaborations with international partners and we strive to introduce our students to latest research and theories early on in the courses we offer.

  • Cognitive Literary Studies
  • Literature and Empathy
  • Literary Attention
  • Early Modern Studies
  • British drama, esp. Shakespeare
  • Postcolonial Studies
  • Australian Studies
  • Literature and Science
  • Modernism
  • Victorian Studies
  • Performance Poetics
  • Contemporary Irish Literature & Culture
  • Brexit and Academia
  • Violence, Literature and Trauma
  • Visual Culture

For further information, please see the individual research interests of our staff members.

Ongoing Research Projects

Information on current research projects can be found on the website of our staff members.

Ongoing Postdoctoral Research Projects
  • Curtis Runstedler, “Trust in 21st-Century Anglophone AI Narratives”

Ongoing Ph.D. Projects
  • Selina Scholz, Dynamics of Narrative Disorientation in Climate Fiction
  • Andrea Talmann, Empathic Spaces in Modernist Narratives by Virginia Woolf and Henry James

Completed Postdoctoral Research Projects
  • Nina Engelhardt, Literature and Tolerance
Completed Ph.D. Projects
  • Dorothee Klein, The Poetics and Politics of Relationality in Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Fiction
  • Natalie Veith, Neo-Victorian Comic Books and the Politics of Representation (2023)



Cover for 

The Collected Works of Wyndham Lewis: Left Wings Over Europe

Wyndham Lewis, Collected Works of Wyndham Lewis: Left Wings Over Europe, ed. by Udith Dematagoda (Oxford: OUP, 2025) (in production)
Research | Institute of Literary Studies | University of Stuttgart Sibylle Baumbach and Jonas Kuhn.  Literature and Culture and/as Intelligent Systems. Special issue of Interdisciplinary Science Review 49/2 (2024). Sibylle Baumbach and Birgit Neumann. Temporalities in/of Crises in Anglophone Literature . New York: Routledge 2024. 


  "Narratives between Attention and Mind-Wandering.” Special issue of Diegesis: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research 11/2.

2021 Victorian Surfaces in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture – Skin, Silk, and Show. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2021, edited by Sibylle Baumbach, Ulla Ratheise

Erfinden, Schöpfen, Machen; Körper- und Imaginationstechniken. published by Nina Engelhardt and Johannes F.M. Schick, transcript, 2021.


Mabo’s Cultural Legacy: History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia, edited by Geoff Rodoreda and Eva Bischoff, Anthem, 2021.


“Brexit and Academia” - a special issue of the European Journal for English Studies (EJES), co-edited by Sibylle Baumbach and Andreas Maurer




Tubbs, Robert, Alice Jenkins und Nina Engelhardt, eds. Handbook of Literature and Mathematics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.


Asciuto, Nicoletta, Nina Engelhardt and Susanne Schregel, eds. Above. Degrees of Elevation (Special issue of Space and Culture 23.4) (2020).




Baumbach, Sibylle, and Birgit Neumann, eds. New Approaches to the 21st-Century Anglophone Novel. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.


Engelhardt, Nina and Julia Hoydis, eds. Representations of Science in Twenty-First-Century Fiction: Human and Temporal Connectivities. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.




Engelhardt, Nina. Modernism, Fiction and Mathematics. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.


Baumbach, Sibylle, and Pascal Nicklas. "Adaptation and Perception". In: Adaptation, vol. 11, no. 2. Oxford University Press, August 2018.


Isekenmeier, Guido, and Gerd Bayer (eds). Recollecting John Fowles / Wiedererinnerungen an John Fowles. LIT Verlag, 2018.


Rodoreda, Geoff.The Mabo Turn in Australian Fiction. Peter Lang, 2018.

Alvie Egan Award


Scholz, Susanne, and Martin Windisch (eds). Zeit-Sprünge: Wirkungsmacht und Aktualität frühneuzeitlicher Denkmuster. Vittorio Klostermann, 2018.




Baumbach, Sibylle, Ralf Haekel, and Felix Sprang. "Cognitive Literary Studies". In: Journal of Literary Theory, vol. 11, no. 2. De Gruyter, 2017.


Engelhardt, Nina and Julia Hoydis, eds. “Doing Science: Texts, Patterns, Practices”. In: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 42.3 (2017).


Baumbach, Sibylle, and Lena Henningsen, and Klaus Oschema (eds). The Fascination with Unknown Time. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.


Bodola, Ronja, and Guido Isekenmeier (eds). Literary Visualties. Visual Descriptions, Readerly Visualisations, Textual Visibilities. De Gruyter, 2017.


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