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Room: 4.021
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Office Hours during the Winter Semester 2024/25
Tuesdays, 2 PM - 4 PM
The office hour on February 18, 2025, is postponed to Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 2 to 4 PM.
The office hour on February 25, 2025, is postponed to Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 2 to 4 PM.
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Marc Priewe studied English and Political Science at the University of Hannover and received his PhD from the University of Potsdam in 2005. He held research and teaching positions at UC Irvine, St. Lawrence University, The New School, Harvard University, and the University of Duisburg-Essen. Since 2012 he has served as Associate Professor and, since 2017, as Full Professor and Chair of American Studies at the University of Stuttgart. His main publications include Writing Transit: Refiguring National Imaginaries in Chicana/o Narratives (2007), Imagined Transnationalism: U.S-Latino/a Literature, Culture, and Identity (2009, ed.), Textualizing Illness: Medicine and Culture in New England, 1620-1730 (2014), and Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters (2016, ed.). His main research interests lie in Early American Studies, Medicine and Literature, Transnational American Studies, Digital Humanities, and popular cultures in the United States.
1986–1988 |
Enterprise State Junior College, USA, Associate of Science (A.S.) |
1988 |
German High School Diploma (Abitur) |
1989 |
University of Alabama, English & American Studies |
Apprenticeship & Civil Duty
1989–1992 |
Pro Percussion Center, Hannover |
1992–1993 |
German Red Cross, Hannover |
Academic Career
1994–2000 |
University of Hannover. English & American Studies, Political Science |
2000–2007 |
University of Potsdam, Dept. of English & American Studies
2002 |
University of California, Irvine, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Visiting Scholar (DAAD) |
8 July 2005 |
University of Potsdam, Dissertation, "Beyond National Imaginaries: Chicana/o Transit Poetics in Southern California" (summa cum laude) |
2007–2008 |
St. Lawrence University, English Department, Visiting Assistant Professor of Early American Literature |
2008–2010 |
The New School, Department of Social Sciences, Online Instructor |
2009 |
Harvard University, Program in the History of American Civilization, Fulbright American Studies Fellowship |
2010 |
University College London, Welcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, Research Associate |
2010–2013 |
University of Potsdam, Dept. of English & American Studies, DFG "Eigene Stelle" (research position) |
16 May 2012 |
University of Potsdam, post-doctoral degree (Habilitation), "Textualizing Illness: Medicine and Culture in New England, 1620-1730." venia legendi for American Literature & Culture |
2011–2012 |
University of Duisburg-Essen, Substitute Professor (W3) North American Studies (winter 2011/2012, summer 2012) |
3 July 2012 |
University of Stuttgart, Associate Professor (W3) for American Literature & Culture (Chair since October 2017) |
2014–2018 |
University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Humanities, Dean of Studies |
Textualizing Illness: Medicine and Culture in New England,
1620-1730. American Studies – A Monograph Series, Vol. 249. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag
Winter, 2014.
Sarah Schuetze,
Amerikastudien/American Studies, 60.4 (2016): online.
Rebecca Tannenbaum,
The Journal of American History, 103.2 (2016): 452-454.
Simon Finger,
The American Historical Review, 120.4 (2015): 1474-1475.
Writing Transit: Refiguring National Imaginaries in Chicana/o Narratives. American Studies
– A Monograph Series, Vol. 140. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2007.
Virginia R. Dominguez,
Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 33.2 (2008): 235-240.
Ewa Antoszek,
AAA-Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 33.1 (2008): 159-163.
With Frederike Offizier and Ariane Schröder, eds., Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016.
With Francisco Lomelí and Kevin Concannon, eds., Imagined Transnationalism: U.S. Latino/a Literature, Culture, and Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
With Anja Bandau, eds., Mobile Crossings: Representations of Chicana/o Cultures. Reflections - Literatures in English outside Britain and the USA, Band 15. Trier: wvt, 2006.
"'Aztlán es una fábula': Navigating Postnational Spaces in Chicano/a Culture." Routledge Handbook of Chicana/o Studies. Ed. Francisco A. Lomelí, Denise A. Segura, and Elyette Benjamin-Labarthe. London: Routledge, 2019. 255-267.
"Turn on, Tune in and Drop out in East Los Angeles: Reflexive Nationalism and Urban Space in Oscar Zeta Acosta’s The Revolt of the Cockroach People." Arizona Quarterly 74.1 (2018): 73-92.
"Digital Humanities und U.S.-amerikanische Captivity Narratives: Ein Forschungsentwurf" (with Stephanie Siewert). Digital Humanities: Perspektiven der Praxis. Ed. Gabriel Viehauser, Peggy Bockwinkel, and Beatrice Nickel. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2018. 43-59.
"The Power of Conformity: Music, Sound, and Vision in Back to the Future." European Journal of American Studies 12.4 (Winter 2017). Link
"Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street." Handbook of the American Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Ed. Timo Müller. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. 351-360.
"Introduction" (with Frederike Offizier and Ariane Schröder). Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters. Ed. Frederike Offizier, Marc Priewe, and Ariane Schröder. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2016. 9-26.
"Medicine and Colonization in Early New England." Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization, and (post)colonial Governance in Transnational Perspective. Ed. Ursula Lehmkuhl, Norbert Finzsch, and Eva Bischoff. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2015. 39-63.
"Providential Bodies: Interpreting Epidemics in Early America." The Health of the Nation. Ed. Meldan Tanrisal and Tanfer Emin Tunc. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2014. 9-22.
"Staging Final Illnesses: Religion and Medicine in Experience Mayhew’s Indian Converts (1727)." Communicating Disease: Cultural Representations of American Medicine. Ed. Carmen Birkle and Johanna Heil. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2013. 3-20.
"’Too many my diseases to cite’: Anne Bradstreet’s Illness Poetry." The Writing Cure: Literature and Medicine in Context. Ed. Alexandra Lembert and Jarmila Mildorf. Münster: LIT, 2013. 115-134.
"Healing Trades: Gender and the Medical Marketplace in Puritan America." American Economies. Ed. Eva Boesenberg, Reinhardt Isensee, and Martin Klepper. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012. 223-241.
"Making Sense of Morbidity in Early American Autobiography." The Morbidity of Culture: Melancholy, Trauma, Illness and Dying in Literature and Film. Ed. Stephanie Siewert and Antonia Mehnert. Frankfurt a. M.: Lang, 2012. 69-82.
"Resistance without Borders: Shifting Cultural Politics in Chicana/o Narratives." Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. Ed. Winfried Fluck, Donald E. Pease, and John Carlos Rowe. Dartmouth: UP of New England, 2011. 265-279.
"The Commuting Island: Cultural (Im)mobility in 'The Flying Bus.'" Kulturelle Mobilitätsforschung: Themen - Theorien - Tendenzen. Ed. Norbert Franz und Rüdiger Kunow. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag, 2011. 135-147.
"Zones of Transition: Interfacing Postcolonial Theory and Chicana/o Literature." The Natural and the Artificial: Constructions of American Identities, Landscapes, Social Institutions, and Histories. Ed. Magdalena Zapedowska and Pawel Stachura. Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2010. 67-78.
"Visions of a Queer Aztlán: Ethnicity, Sexual Preference and the Invention of Community in Terri de la Peña's Margins." Representation and Decoration in American Culture. Ed. Alfred Hornung and Rüdiger Kunow. American Studies – A Monograph Series, Vol. 94. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009. 135-150.
"Introduction" (with Francisco Lomelí und Kevin Concannon). Imagined Transnationalism: U.S. Latino/a Literature, Culture, and Identity. Ed. Francisco Lomelí, Kevin Concannon, and Marc Priewe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 1-12.
"Making a Home away from Home: Traveling Diasporas in María Escandón's Esperanza's Box of Saints." Amerikastudien/American Studies 51.4 (2006): 581-593. Repr. in Journal of Transnational American Studies 4.2 (2012).
"Cross-cultural Aging: Configurations of Growing Old in Bless Me, Ultima and The Road to Tamazunchale." Mobile Crossings: Representations of Chicana/o Cultures. Ed. Anja Bandau and Marc Priewe. Trier: wvt, 2006. 153-164.
"Introduction. Mobile Crossings: Chicana/o Representations at Century's Turn" (with Anja Bandau). Mobile Crossings: Representations of Chicana/o Cultures. Ed. Anja Bandau and Marc Priewe. Trier: wvt, 2006. 1-7.
"'Make a Run for the Border': Ethnic Performance Art and the Search for a Space of/for Difference." Close Encounters of An Other Kind: New Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and American Studies. Ed. Roy Goldblatt, Jopi Nyman and John A. Stotesbury. Joensuu, Finland: University of Joensuu Press, 2005. 148-158.
"Transgressive Performances: Guillermo Gómez-Peña @ the Borders of Culture." Transgressions: Cultural Interventions in the Global Manifold. Ed. Renate Brosch and Rüdiger Kunow. Trier: wvt, 2005. 85-100.
"Bio-Politics and the ContamiNation of the Body in Alejandro Morales's The Rag Doll Plagues." MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 29.3-4 (2004): 397-412.
"The Transnational Mimic Man: El Vez's (Re-)Appropriation of Elvis Presley." Postmodern Practices. Beiträge zu einer vergehenden Epoche. Ed. Thomas Dörfler and Claudia Globisch. Münster: LIT, 2002. 213-228.
"Negotiating the Global and the Local: Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead as Glocal Fiction." Amerikastudien/American Studies 47.2 (2002): 223-235.
Review: Ewelina Krok. Literary Representations of Folk Tradition in Contemporary Chicano/a Fiction. Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies 24.1 (March 2013): 213-214.
Review: Walter W. Woodward. Prospero's America: John Winthrop, Jr., Alchemy, and the Creation of New England Culture, 1606-1676. ZAA: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 59.2 (2011): 199-200.
Review: Markus Heide. Grenzüberschreibungen: Chicano-Erzählliteratur und die Inszenierung von Kulturkontakt. Amerikastudien/American Studies 52.2 (2007): 253-255.
Review: Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez. MexAmerica: Genealogien und Analysen postnationaler Diskurse in der kulturellen Produktion von Chicanos/as. ZAA: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 55.2 (2007): 207-208.
"An den Grenzen der Kultur(en)." Lateinamerika Nachrichten 341, November 2002. 47-49.
"Digital Humanities Approaches to/in American Studies Scholarship," University of Duisburg-Essen, GAAS Postgraduate Forum, 9.11.2018, expert panel discussion
"Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks in Historical Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914," University of Mannheim, 2.10.2018, invited lecture
"'You Picked the Right Song': Remediating Music in Back to the Future," Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Sound & Vision in American Culture, 26.5.2017
"Tracing Early American Captivity Narratives," University of Stuttgart, Digital Humanities Roundtable, 22.5.2015; Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 10.4.2017, invited lecture
"Mapping Mary Rowlandson," University of Stuttgart, Digital American Studies: Theory, Practice, Perspectives, 28.5.2014
"Exceptional Bodies: Writing Illness in Early America," University of Graz, 19.3.2013, invited lecture
"Anne Bradstreet's Death Poetry," University of Paderborn, 15.11.2012, invited lecture
"'Too many my diseases to cite': Anne Bradstreet's Pathographies," University of Mainz, 59. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies: American Lives, 2.6.2012
"'Hear My Train A-Comin': Race, Mobility, Popular Music," American Studies Center, Warsaw, The Sixties: Legacies, 12.5.2012
"Of Words and Wounds: Textualizing Illness in Colonial America," University of Izmir, European Association of American Studies Biennial Conference: The Health of the Nation, 31.3.2012, parallel lecture
"'As runs the glass, our life doth pass': Aging in Puritan America," University of Potsdam, Crossroads—A Conference in Honor of Rüdiger Kunow, 29.10.2011
"Illness Poetics: Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, and the Language of Early Modern Medicine," Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Anglistentag 2011, 19.9.2011
"Mather's Magic: Negotiating American Puritanism and European Folklore," University of Regensburg, 58. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies: Transnational American Studies, 17.6.2011
"Writing Colonial Bodies: Patient Letters and Early American Cultural Studies," University of Marburg, Literature and Medicine, 11.2.2011
"'And then I was visited with sickness': Medicine and Conversion in Colonial New England Narratives," University of Rostock, DFG-Graduate School: Kulturkontakt und Wissenschaftsdiskurs, 5.-6.1.2011, invited lecture & doctoral colloquium
"Bodies in Exception: Rationalizing Early American Epidemics," University of Duisburg-Essen, Transnational Americas: Difference, Belonging, Identitarian Spaces, 11.11.2010
"The Medicine of Power: Illness, Healing, and Cultural Politics in Colonial America," University of Plymouth, UK, Separateness and Kinship: Transatlantic Exchanges between New England and Britain 1600-1900, 16.7.2010
"Healing Trades: Gender and Medicine in Puritan America," HU Berlin, 57. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies: American Economies, 28.5.2010
"Captivating Borderlands: The Allure of Alterity in Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God," University of Nantes, Frontières/transfrontières dans les Amériques, 11.5.2010
"'Soe winn the hartes of the Sachems and you win all': Alchemy as a Colonizing Tool in New England," Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Annual Meeting of the Historians in the German Association for American Studies, Provincializing the United States: Colonialism, Decolonization and Post-Colonialism, 12.2.2010
"A City upon a Hill of Bones: Writing Disease in Early New England," University of Southern California, USA, 17.9.2009, invited lecture
"Race, Power, Medicine: Textual Negotiations of Smallpox Inoculation, 1721-1722," Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, USA, 2.9.2009, invited lecture
"Healing as Contact Zone: Transnational Medical Exchanges in Cotton Mather's The Angel of Bethesda (1724)," Oxford Brookes University, UK, Crossing Colonial Historiographies: Histories of Colonial and Indigenous Medicines in Transnational Perspective, 16.9.2008
"Postmodern Aesthetics in the Beatles' Abbey Road," St. Lawrence University, USA, 15.04.2008, invited lecture
" El Rey del Rocanrol: El Vez and the Performance of Ethnic Identities," University of California, Irvine, USA, 14.2.2008, invited lecture
"Explorations into the Urban Transfrontera: Los Angeles and Tijuana as Transnational Cultural Spaces," Montreal, CA, Canadian Association for American Studies Annual Meeting: The Americas: Drawing the Lines, 10.11.2007
"Cartographies of América in Guillermo Gómez-Peña's Performance Art," Philadelphia, USA, American Studies Association Annual Meeting: América Aquí: Transhemispheric Visions and Community Connections, 12.10.2007
"Democracy and Its Discontents in Mexican American Literature," Dartmouth College, USA, What is Left of American Democracy?, 1.9.2007
"DesigNations: Postnational and Transnational Turns in American Studies," UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies, Dublin, Transnational American Studies Symposium, 21.7.2007
"The Commuting Island: Cultural (Im)mobilities in Caribbean Literature," University of Potsdam, Kulturen in/der Mobilität, 27.1.2007
"Mobility and Constraint in John Rechy's Novels," FU Berlin, Institute for Latin American Studies, 9.1.2007, invited lecture
"Los Angeles, Mexico: How Latina/os Change the Face of an American City," Berlin, Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen No. 6: It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Superman … Amerikanische Nahaufnahmen in 440 Dialogen. Eine Installation von Hannah Hurtzig, 18.11.2006, community outreach
"Cultures in and of Mobility: 'The Flying Bus' and the Figuration of Transnational Space," Oakland, USA, American Studies Association Annual Meeting: The United States from Inside and Out – Transnational American Studies, 12.10.2006
"Resistance without Borders: Shifting Cultural Politics in Chicana/o Narratives," University of Southern California, USA, America Without Borders, 7.10.2006
"MexAmerica: Postnationalizing American and Chicana/o Studies," University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain, V. International Conference on Chicano Literature, 22.5.2006
"'I got my green card, I want my cold card': El Vez and the Americano Dream," University of Potsdam, 7. Day of the Americas, 19.5.2006, community outreach
"Transnational Popular Cultures: Real and Fictional Ethnic Spaces in Urban America," Rhode Island College, Providence, USA, 9.11.2005, invited lecture
"Writing Spaces: Chicana/o Cultural Productions in Los Angeles," University of Gdansk, Poland, 24.10.2003, invited lecture
"Interfacing Postcolonial Theory and Chicana/o Literature," University of Poznan, Polish Association for American Studies Conference: The Natural and the Artificial, 20.10.2003
"Biopower and ContamiNation in Alejandro Morales's The Rag Doll Plagues," University of Joensuu, Finland, Close Encounters of an Other Kind: New Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and American Studies, 7.6.2003
"From Corridos to Lowriders: An Introduction to Chicana/o Popular Culture," University of Bochum, 19.5.2003, invited lecture
"Performing Multicultural 'Secrets': Guillermo Gómez-Peña's 'Temple of Confessions'," University of Potsdam, Minoritarian USA, 9.5.2003
"'Living La Vida Loca': Transformationen eines populärkulturellen Klischees," University of Potsdam, 5. Day of the Americas, 17.1.2003, community outreach
"Empowering Bodies: A Foucauldean Reading of Alejandro Morales's Fiction," University of Potsdam, Academic Colloquium: Meet the Author – Alejandro Morales, 12.11.2002
"Cross-Cultural Aging: Configurations of Growing Old in Chicano Literature," University of Potsdam, Representations of Chicana/o Culture(s): Images, Texts, Products, 20.7.2002
"Intercultural Transit in John Rechy's The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gómez and El Vez's Music," University Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux III, European Association of American Studies Biennial Conference: The United States Of/In Europe, 23.3.2002
"The Postnational Mimic Man: El Vez's Globalized Appropriation of Elvis Presley," University of Erlangen, IV. International Graduate Conference: Postmodern Perspectives. MediaTraces, DiscourseBodies, TradeMarks, 25.11.2001
DFG "Transatlantic Partnership for Social Sciences and Humanities 2016 Digging Into Data Challenge" for a research project in "Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks in Historical Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914," 2017-2019 Link
DFG "Eigene Stelle" for the research project "Textualizing Illness: Medicine and Culture in Colonial New England, 2010-2013"
Re-entry scholarship after parental leave, State of Brandenburg, 2009
Fulbright American Studies Fellowship, Harvard University, 2008-2009
Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Transcoop-Program: "Transnational American Studies," travel grant for "Transnational Literature: Indian Diasporic Writing in the United States," University of Southern California, 2008
St. Lawrence University, Scholarly Development Award, American Antiquarian Society, 2008
EU Intensive Programme (IP): "Putting a Human Face on Diversity: The US in/of Europe," 2006
DFG research travel grant, Harvard University, 2005
DAAD scholarship for PhD students, UC Irvine, 2002
German Association for American Studies, 64. Annual Meeting: Modernities and Modernization in North America, 8.-11.6.2017, Hannover
Panel Chair & Organizer: "Digital American Studies: Projects, Approaches, Methods"
German Association for American Studies, 62. Annual Meeting:
Knowledge Landscapes North America, 28.-31.5.2015, Bonn
Panel Chair & Organizer (with Ingrid Gessner): "GeoKnowledges: Mapping in the Analog and Digital Humanities"
Workshop: "Digital American Studies: Theory, Practice, Perspectives," Keynote: Prof. John Carlos Rowe, 28.5.2014, University of Stuttgart
Conference: "Crossroads—A Conference in Honor of Rüdiger Kunow," Keynote: Prof. John Carlos Rowe, Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck, 28.-29.10.2011, University of Potsdam
The Society of Early Americanists, Seventh Biennial Conference, 3.-5.3.2011, Philadelphia, USA Panel Chair & Organizer: "Disease and the Body Politic in an Age of Revolution"
Conference: "Transatlantic American Studies" (with Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kunow, Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck), Keynote: Prof. Donald E. Pease, 9.-11.10.2008, University of Potsdam/FU Berlin/HU Berlin
American Studies Association, Annual Meeting: América Aquí: Transhemispheric Visions and Community Connections, 11.-14.10.2007, Philadelphia, USA
Session Organizer: "(Dis)locating America in U.S. Latina/o Literature and Culture"
Conference: "Kulturen in/der Mobilität" (with Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kunow, Prof. Dr. Peter Drexler, Prof. Dr. Norbert Franz), 25.-27.01.2007, University of Potsdam
Workshop: "Difference, In-Difference, Transdifference: New Paradigms for American Studies in a Transnational Forcefield" (with Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kunow), Keynote: Prof. John Carlos Rowe, 9.7.2005, University of Potsdam
Workshop: "Mobilized Cultures / Mobilisierte Kulturen" (with Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kunow), Keynote: Prof. Amritjit Singh, 7.1.2005, University of Potsdam
Doctoral Workshop: "Cultural Memory and Multiple Identities," University of Potsdam & HU Berlin, Keynote: Prof. William Boelhower, 18.-19.06.2004
1st Doctoral Workshop at the Faculty of Humanities: "Transnationale Erfahrungen im Spannungsfeld von Assimilation und kultureller Differenz," Keynote: Dr. Ludger Pries, 10.-11.10.2003, University of Potsdam
Summer School and Workshop: "Minoritarian USA" (with Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kunow), 5.-9.5.2003, Universität Potsdam
5th Day of the Americas: "Metropolen" (with Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette), 17.1.2003, Universität Potsdam
Graduate Workshop and Conference: "Globalization, Multiculturalism, and Democracy," Keynote: Prof. John Carlos Rowe, 6.-10.12.2002, University of Potsdam
Academic Colloquium: "Meet the Author: Alejandro Morales," 12.11.2002, University of Potsdam
Conference: "Representations of Chicana/o Cultures: Images, Texts, Products" (with Dr. Anja Bandau), Keynote: Prof. Norma Alarcón, Prof. Juan Bruce-Novoa, 19.-20.07.2002, University of Potsdam
Workshop: "Fulbright at 50 – Focus on Potsdam: Transnational Cultures: Globalization and the United States at Century's Turn," 7.6.2002, University of Potsdam
Conference: "Toleranz und Differenz," 9.2.2001, University of Potsdam
3rd Day of the Americas: "Globalisierung / Differenz der Kulturen," 26.1.2001, University of Potsdam
Reader for MELUS: Journal for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (since 2007)
Reader for JAH: Journal of American History (since 2015)
Reader for Routledge (since 2015)
Member of the Advisory Council of the German Association for American Studies (since 2017) Link
Reader for Digital Humanities Quarterly (since 2017)
Member of the Editorial Board of Amerikastudien/American Studies (since 2018)
German Association for American Studies (assistant of the GAAS President 2005-2008) Link
Society of Early Americanists
International Association of Inter-American Studies
GAPS: Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien
Deutscher Hochschulverband