Project management: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Dickhaut and Prof. Dr. Sandra Richter
Project staff: Felicitas Mössner
Project duration: 1.4.-30.09.2017
The teaching and research project supported by IZKT pursues a dual objective:
1. A research-based, interdisciplinary seminar is offered jointly by German and Romance studies in order to open up a hardly investigated terrain for students to explore themselves by not simply reading and discussing dramas of the early modern era together, but by capturing French plays in their history of reception, translation and staging and analysing the development of poetics in Germany and France from a systematic-historical perspective. Since French plays were often performed at European courts in the early modern era - both in French and German - and the so-called doctrine classique left traces everywhere, such an interdisciplinary approach is necessary in order to comprehensively outline and understand the significance of French theatre, the critical debate in Germany and the emergence of a modern theatre. However, this also presupposes insights into the simultaneous development of the history of technology and science.
2. The seminar enables participants to develop an adequate set of theatrical historiography concepts which includes poetics, drama texts and translations as well as learning to understand what, in the 17th and 18th century, really constituted theatre productions from a technical point of view. For this purpose, it is necessary to historize the concepts in order to understand that the leading concepts "theatre technology - theatre art" depict a modern terminology that only in the early modern era expresses the differentiation of technology and art that is relevant for us today.
Guest lectures
- 31st of May, 09.45 a.m., Room17.52, Dr. Rudi Risatti (Vienna, Theatre museum): Ort & Zeit - Über die Prägnanz und Flexibilität szenischer Räume.
- 14th of June, 09.45 a.m., Room17.52, Prof. Dr. Watanabe O'Kelly (University of Oxford): Die Hofkultur der Frühen Neuzeit - eine französische Angelegenheit?
- 12th of July, 09.45 a.m., Room17.52, Dr. Marine Roussillon (Université d'Artois): Esthétique et politique: les fêtes galantes à la cour de Louis XIV
Contact us

Kirsten Dickhaut
Prof. Dr.Deputy Director ILW / Head of Departments Romance Literatures I (French Studies) and II (Italian Studies)