Thyssen project: "Magical configuration (Magisches Gestalten)"
The project Magical configuration / Magische(s) Gestalten in der christlichen Welt. Über die Bedeutung von Zauberern, Magiern und Hexen und ihre »Lenkung der Dinge« in der italienischen Literatur der Renaissance is funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation since the 1st of February 2017. Work within the project is tightly linked to the Stuttgart Research Center for Text Studies (SRCTS) and the International Center for Culture and Technology Studies (IZKT). Two dissertations centered around the epos and theatre of Cinquecento are produced within the project.
IZKT-Project "Theatre/Nations - France and Italy"
Project seminar with concluding exhibition in the Institut français Stuttgart
Project management: Dr. Gesine Hindemith
IZKT-Project "Theatre Technology - theatre Art"
Court culture, Franco-German drama and European arts
Project management: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Dickhaut and Prof. Dr. Sandra Richter
Contact us
Kirsten Dickhaut
Prof. Dr.Deputy Director ILW / Head of Departments Romance Literatures I (French Studies) and II (Italian Studies)
Alisa Winkens
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin