Keplerstr. 17
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 4.026
Office Hours
Office Hours during the Lecture-Free Period of SS 2024
Tuesday, August 13, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Tuesday, August 20, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Tuesday, September 3, 8:00 AM -9:00 AM
Tuesday, September 10, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Tuesday, September 24, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Sessions will beheld via Webex:
Please register in advance via email at:
[in selection]
“No Game of Chess: Dominoes and the Modelling of Alternative Public Spheres in Menéndez and Glissant”. Games of Empires: Kulturhistorische Konnotationen von Brettspielen in transnationalen und imperialen Kontexten, herausgegeben von Karen Aydin, Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn, Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen, Mario Ziegler. Berlin: LITVerlag, 39-58.
“‘What Sense of Disquiet?’ Novelization, Creolization, World Literature”, Journal of Postcolonial Writing 48/5 (2012): 552-64.
“Shifting Genre, Relocating the Aesthetic”. Locating Postcolonial Narrative Genres. Hg. Walter Goebel and Saskia Schabio. London and New York: Routledge, 2013. 44-57.
“Ulysses and the Shape-Shifter: Caribbeanness and Modernity in Pauline Melville’s Writings”. Beyond the Black Atlantic: Relocating Modernization and Technology. Hg. Walter Goebel und Saskia Schabio. London und New York: Routledge, 2006. 79-94.
“Towards an Aesthetics of (Dis)Affection: V.S. Naipaul”. Postcolonial (Dis)Affections. Hg. Walter Goebel und Saskia Schabio. Trier: WVT, 2007. 24-36.
“The Tempest”. Shakespeare im Unterricht. Hg. Laurenz Volkmann et al. Publications of the German Shakespeare Association. Tübingen: Stauffenberg, 2005. 253-68.
[in selection]
“Writing from the Other America: Re-routing Cosmopolitanism / Re-routing Jean Rhys Criticism”, Paris, Sorbonne, 2018.
“Transnational Minds”, University of Kent, “Cognitive Futures”, Canterbury, 2018.
“Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation?” – Emotion, Cognition, Cosmopolitanism. Transnational Conrad, Universität Limoges, 2017.
“Emotionen digital lesen lernen?” Digitalisierung und Englischunterricht, Universität Stuttgart, 2017.
“Comparative Ideologies: Édouard Glissant” – GAPS, Universität Münster, 2015.
“Consuming Grief, Consuming Public: Postcolonial Interventions”, ACLA, Brown University, Providence. 2012.
“The Spatial Turn in the EFL Classroom“, GNEL, Universität Bern, 2012.
“Beyond Bakhtin: Novelization as Creolization”, Spectres of World Literature, Birkbeck College London, 2011.
[in selection]
Sektion “Postcolonial Aesthetics”, Annual Conference of the German Association for English Studies, Halle, 2006.
Locating Transnational Ideals, Stuttgart, 2007. (Förderung: DFG / IZKT)
Locating Postcolonial Narrative Genres, Stuttgart / Freudenstadt, 2009.
(Förderung: DFG / IZKT)
Dealing with the Universal: The Production of Art, History and Biennals, Interdisciplinary Conference, Stuttgart, 2011. (Förderung: Byrnes-Institut, IFA, Institut français, Akademie der Schönen Künste)
Disciplining the Margins or Relocating Postcolonial Studies, Stuttgart / Freudenstadt, 2011 (Förderung: DFG / IZKT)
World Literatures, Discrepant Transnationalism, Stuttgart, 2013 (Kooperation: Napier University / Förderung: Internationales Zentrum für Kultur- und Technikforschung)
The Intercultural Reader in the EFL Classroom / Projekt AQUA-Kola – in Kooperation mit dem Lehrerbildungszentrum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2014 (Förderung: BMBF)
Mitveranstalterin und Ko-moderatorin des virtuellen Symposiums „Flipped Classrooms and OER for Intercultural Learning“ (Link)
[in selection]
Konzeption von Drittmittelprojekten in Zusammenhang mit der Lehrerbildung (BMBF):
„Qualitätspakt Lehre – Individualität und Kooperation im Stuttgarter Studium“ (Projektleitung Teilprojekt Englisch / Schwerpunkt Interkulturalität und Intermedialität), „Kumulatives Lernen“ (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft) (Link)
LehrerbildungPLUS „Digitalisierung und Heterogenität“ (Konzeption / Forschungskoordination / Teilprojekt Englisch / Universität Stuttgart)
KOALA (Konzeption, Koordination der Forschung und der Kooperation mit dem Projekt MakEd_digital / Teilprojekt Englisch / Universität Stuttgart)
Napier Edinburgh University (Erasmus / Team Teaching; Wintersemester 2016 / Sommersemester 2018)
Kooperation Deutsch-Amerikanisches-Zentrum Stuttgart; Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung / Abteilung Frauen und Politik (Link)
Ansprechpartnerin und Kooperationsprojekte: Entwicklungspädagogisches Informationszentrum
Reutlingen (EPiZ)
Programm: CHAT der WELTEN (Link)
- American Literary Studies, Gender Studies and Diversity, Caribbean and Hemispheric Studies, Cognitive Literary Studies, Critical Digital Pedagogy, Intermediality and Visual Culture
- Curriculumsentwicklung und Koordinierung der Fachdidaktik Englisch
- Transfer Literatur- Kulturwissenschaften / Fachdidaktik
- Curriculumsentwicklung und Lehrkooperationen zum Thema Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung
Gastvorträge (Sommer 2020):
- Im Rahmen des Seminars „Deep and Slow: Reading Literature in the Digital EFL Classroom”: (1)
"Reading Rushdie Across Cultures" in Kooperation mit dem Programm CHAT DER WELTEN (2)
"Interkulturelle Kommunikative Kompetenz im Literaturunterricht" (StD Sylvia Loh, Seminar
Esslingen, Sommersemester 2020)
This seminar addresses ways of creating cultural sensitivity through literature. We explore some great examples of the immersive power of story-telling. Our approach combines literary, cognitive, and media studies, revolving around the theme of empathy. We read short stories and novels suitable for A-level students, featuring cross-cultural perspectives, among others, Garcia’s Dreaming in Cuban (1992) and Franklin’s Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter (2010). We will ‘chat’ with readers from other cultures and compare our reading experiences. Along the way, we explore practical examples of creative learning in the virtual world (e.g. We also address the challenges of affording ‘deep reading’ in digital environments, and the ways the ‘new’ media have reconfigured reading. Our seminar will be taught alongside the courses “ Teaching Literature and Film” and FD II, offering examples of a ‘flipped classroom’ which combines online and face-to-face teaching.
- Im Rahmen des Seminars Scandal and Civility: From the Early American Republic to the Digital Age (Schabio) (1) “Politisierung der Emotionen” (PD Dr. Felix Heidenreich, IZKT) (2) “The Struggle for your Opinion“ (Malte Heckelen, Abt. Digital Humanities)
Gastvortäge (Sommer 2019):
Im Rahmen des Seminars "Scandal and Civility": (1) "Gender Studies im Englischunterricht" (StD Sylvia Loh / StD Dr. Sedlatschek, Seminar Esslingen, Sommersemester 2019) (2) "Politisierung der Emotionen" (Dr. Felix Heidenreich, IZKT) (3) Why Scandal? Why Civility? Perspectives from the DH and CSS (Malte Heckelen, Abt. Digital Humanities)
Scandal and Civility: From the Early American Republic to the Digital Age
At the time of acute political crisis in the 1790s partisans on both sides felt the need to express their sentiments freely. Scandal proved an efficient means of making political headlines. Under protection of the First Amendment, and while pushing the limits of a free press, journalists and printers were effectively pushing the limits of American civility. By doing so, they brought into being a new style of public debate, marked by the language of sentiment and emotion, as M. Daniel argues in his study Scandal and Civility (2009). In this course we explore how contemporary novelists reflected on this shift, and charted the tides of public sentiment in their stories. They intervened in public opinion, and wrote back to the rise of personal shaming in the press. They argued for a more egalitarian public sphere, by giving a voice to those Americans who had no say, and could not give vent to their sentiments unrestrainedly. Often they actually worked from real-life scandals. In her The Coquette, Hannah Webster Foster examines the scandal surrounding Elizabeth Whitman, widely popularized in the New England Press. In this best-selling novel it is not so much the fallen woman, but her liberal use of the freedom of speech that scandalized. Fiction such as Foster’ s examined the gender-bias imbricated in notions of American civility. Following her lead, and exploring current parallels, we address recent cases of scandal, against the background of calls to speak our minds freely, embittered opposition, and a highly gendered presidential campaign. While glancing back to the early Republic, we understand developments in the present where now twitter and emojis encourage passionate emotional judgment, and social media has introduced a new dimension of public debate.