Interdisciplinary workshop "Misunderstanding"
12th of January 2018, University of Stuttgart, Keplerstr. 7, Senatssaal
13th of January 2018, University of Stuttgart, Keplerstr. 17, R. 17.92
Opening workshop for the project Magical configurations / Magische(s) Gestalten
30th of June 2017, at the Senatssaal of the University of Stuttgart, opening workshop of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation funded research project Magische(s) Gestalten, topic: »Magische(s) Gestalten - Lenkung der Dinge in der Renaissance«
La Vraisemblance ou les enjeux de la représentation. Le théâtre et la peinture dans les discours académiques (1630-1730)
International DFG conference
Organisation: Dr. Markus Castor, Prof. Dr. Kirsten Dickhaut at the German Forum for Art History, Paris.
Contact us
Kirsten Dickhaut
Prof. Dr.Deputy Director ILW / Head of Departments Romance Literatures I (French Studies) and II (Italian Studies)
Alisa Winkens
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin