Keplerstr. 17
70174 Stuttgart
Raum: 4.025
Bitte ein Termin vereinbaren. Sprechstunde via Webex.
Email: richard.powers@ilw.uni-stuttgart.de
Urlaub: 10. August - 13. August
Powers, Richard. (May 2020). „ Auf Online-Unterricht umsteigen – so meistern Sie diese Herausforderung!“ School Education Gateway. Erasmus+
D2L Teaching & Learning Certificate
Quality Matters Master Reviewer (Programs, Higher Ed, K-12, K-12 Publisher)
Online Learning Consortium Coordinator
M.A., New York University, British & American Literature
B.A., Wake Forest University, English
Powers, Richard with Nils Drixler, (PL) (Winter Semester 2021/2022). Project-Based Learning with eTwinning for Interculturality. M.Ed. Interculturality. Joint course, Stuttgart University & Padagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
Powers, Richard. (Winter Semester 2021/2022 and Summer Semester 2021). Instructional Design & Teaching Online, M.Ed. Teaching Modalities.
Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2021). Diverse Literatures of the Americas. M.Ed. Interculturality.
Powers, Richard. (Summer Semester 2020). Introduction to Teaching Online. Ed. BWB Seminar Blended Learning
Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2020). Advanced Verbal Communication in Online Instruction. M.Ed. Seminar Blended Learning
Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2020). Business English. Blended Learning course with students from Stuttgart University, PH-Ludwigsburg andUniversität Hohenheim
Powers, Richard. (Winter Semester 2019/2020). Essay Writing & Research: Diversity Topics.Blended Learning Course taught with students from Stuttgart University, Ped Hochshule Ludwigsburg and Universitate Hohenheim with ILIAS.
Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2018). Hip-Hop & American Culture. Blended Learning Course. Stuttgart University, ILIAS.
Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2018). Intertextuality: 20thCentury African American Music & Literature. Blended learning course taught with students from Stuttgart University and the MusikHochschule, ILIAS.
Powers, Richard, and Bundschuh, Jessica. (Winter Semester 2019/2020). Advanced Verbal Communication . Blended Learning course with Lehramt students delivering lessons across three modalities: onsite at Dillmann Gymnasium, online via ILIAS and live webinars via Zoom teleconferencing.
Powers, Richard. (Sept 2020). “Pivoting to an Institutional Adult Education Blended Learning Program in Three Months.” Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Forum of Excellence Conference. Springfield, IL.
Powers, Richard. (Nov 2020). “Designing a Global Citizenship Course at the Professional School of Education (PSE) Stuttgart Ludwigsburg.” Global Citizenship Courses for the 21st Century Symposium. Stuttgart, DE.
Powers, Richard. (Nov 2020). “The Amazing Kaleidoscope: Lessons Learned Starting an eTwinning Teacher Training Institute Program.” Erasmus+ eTwinning Conference. Brussels, Belgium
Powers, Richard. (Dec 2020). “The Value of Storytelling and Meditation for University Students at the End of Semesters During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Mental Health & Wellness Symposium. Stuttgart, DE.
Powers, Richard. (Dec 2020). “Contextualizing Black Lives Matters and Racial Trauma in the Digital, Diverse School Curriculum.” Mental Health & Wellness Symposium. Stuttgart, DE.
Powers, Richard. (2019). „E-Racing Horders: Glocalizing Transdisciplinary Studies with Online Blueprints for Future Academics and Managers in Germany, the U.S. and Africa.” University of Amsterdam. Association of Interdisciplinary Studies 31st Annual Conference, Amsterdam.
Online Webinars
Powers, Richard. (Sept 2020). “ The Current State of Online Teaching: What Institutions Should Be Doing to Improve Their Remote Learning Programs. Series 3: Moving to the Next Phase of Online: How Can We Improve on What We’ve Done So Far? European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN). Budapest, Hungary.
Powers, Richard. (Sept 2020). “Education in Times of a New Normal.” PSE Retreat, Stuttgart.
Powers, Richard. (Nov 2020). “ Exploring New Avenues for Online Assessment.” European Online and Distance Learning Week (EODLW) 2020. European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN). Budapest, Hungary.
Powers, Richard. (April 2020). “Virtual Technology Orientations to Onboard Students During COVID.” Illinois Northern Region Adult Education Conference. Arlington Heights, IL.
Powers, Richard (2020, Jan 9). “Introduction to Teaching Online.” City Colleges of Chicago Faculty Training, Chicago IL.
Powers, Richard (2019, Dec 3). “Preparing for Excellence: Ten Benefits of International Collaboration for Teachers in Training.” Teacher Training Initiative, European Schoolnet Academy, Brussels.
Online Seminar Series
Powers, Richard (2020, Mar 27-Apr 2). COVID-19 Keep Teaching! Planning & Delivering Remote Instruction During This Hard Time. European Schoolnet Academy, Brussels.
- Part 1: “COVID-19 Context & Moving Online” (Mar 27).
- Part 2: “Designing Lessons for Remote Instruction” (Mar 30).
- Part 3: “Open Resource Tools: What You Can Do Now” (Apr 1).
- Part 4: “Global Support, Engagement, Motivation & Presence for Remote Instruction” (Apr 2).
Online Workshops
Powers, Richard. (May 2020). “Blended Learning & Course Quality Assurance.” City Colleges of Chicago Blended Learning Symposium. Chicago, U.S.
Powers, Richard. (June 2020) “How to Review for Accessibility in Online Courses.” City Colleges of Chicago Faculty Professional Development. Chicago, U.S.