Dieses Bild zeigt Andrea Talmann

Andrea Talmann


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Literaturwissenschaft
Englische Literaturen und Kulturen


Keplerstr. 17
70174 Stuttgart
Raum: 4.035


Current Calls for Papers
Call for Papers  - "The 'Ordinary Magic' of Resilience in Anglophone Literatures: Past, Present, Futures"  - Deadline: 30 Oktober 2023




Academic Career

Since April 2019 Research assistant, University of Stuttgart, Department of English Literatures and Cultures


Since 2019 PhD Project on “Spaces of Empathy Transmission in Prose Fiction from 1800 to the Present”
Since April 2019

PhD project: “Empathic Spaces in Modernist Fiction by Virginia Woolf and Henry James”

October 2014 – November 2018

Master of Arts (English Literature/Anglistik), University of Stuttgart

October 2011 – September 2014

Bachelor of Arts (English Studies and Political Science), University of Stuttgart

2009 – 2014 Studies, English / American Literature and Political Sciences, University of Stuttgart

Cognitive literary studies

Literature and empathy/emotions

Modernist literature (esp. Virginia Woolf & Henry James)

Literature and architecture

“Diminishing the Distance: Imagining Empathic Bodies in Henry James’ The Beast in the Jungle.” Erfinden, Schöpfen, Machen: Körpertechniken und Imaginationstechniken. Ed. Nina Engelhardt and Johannes Schick. Bielefeld: transcript, 2021.

July 2022 - July 2024

Mentor, StartScience: Mentoring Programme for Female Students, University of Stuttgart

October 2021 – September 2024

PhD – Representative Faculty Council, University of Stuttgart

Since January 2021

PhD-scholarship University of Stuttgart, Landesgraduiertenförderung

“'So much depends upon distance’ – Virginia Woolf and Empathy Beyond the Physical Gap”.   Mind, Body, Culture – Cognitive Poetics Today, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon. 31 March – 1 April 2023.

“Henry James’s Empathic Spaces”American Literature Association, Boston/MA. 25 May – 28 May 2023.

“Empathic Spaces in Modernist Narratives by Virginia Woolf and Henry James”. Doctoral Symposium,  European Society for the Study of English, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. 29 August – 2 September 2022.

“’Standing there at the open windows’: On the Threshold of Empathy in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway . Moved by Movement in Novels: Phenomenological Approaches, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz. 9-10 September 2021.

“Empathic Spaces ‘In the Cage’”. Young Researchers Conference, Aachen Center for Cognitive and Empirical Literary Studies, RWTH Aachen University. 8-9 April 2021.

“’Through the Bars of the Cage’ – The Spatial Foundation of Narrative Empathy”. Cognitive Literary Studies- Theories, Methodologies, and Challenges, Luxembourg School of Religion and Society, Luxembourg. May 2020. (abstract accepted, conference cancelled)

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