ON THE MOVE: Migration and Cross-Cultural Encounters

16. Mai 2024, 16:00 Uhr

Series of events featuring the New A-level topic / English in cooperation with The German American Center, Stuttgart (DAZ)

Zeit: 16. Mai 2024, 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr
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Digital Tools in Literature Classes – A Digital Approach to Teaching Adichie’s Short Fiction

Teacher Training

Date: May 16, 2024, 16:00-18:00

Location: digital via Zoom 
Admission: Free
Language: English
Please register here

In this keynote presentation and a subsequent Q&A, we investigate how digital tools can contribute to an in-depth understanding of the short story “The Thing Around Your Neck”. This involves the aspects of interactivity, digital text production, generative AI, and instant feedback, serving as a basis for general reflections on the potential and challenges of digital tools in literature lessons.

This event is part of our event series on the new English Abitur Schwerpunkt On the Move – Migration and Cross-Cultural Encounters in which we examine the short stories of the American authors from different perspectives. Together with the University of Stuttgart, we combine diverse voices from the U.S., American literary and cultural studies and recent insights in English language education. We kicked off our series in the fall of 2023 with online talks which are still available to watch on our YouTube channel @DAZStuttgart.

With: Sebastian Schult, Seminar Stuttgart
Concept and Moderation: Dr. Saskia Schabio (University of Stuttgart) and Kathrin Büttner (DAZ)
In Cooperation with: the Department of American Literature and Culture at the University of Stuttgart and the project ReaLiTea which aims at bridging the gap between theories and practice.

Flyer Abi-Thema Teacher Trainings 

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