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Current Calls for Papers
for Papers:
Journal of Literary Theory
Academic Appointments
Since 2018 |
Full Professor of English Literature
Affiliated Professor of English Literature
Department of English,
University of Innsbruck
2015–2018 |
Full Professor of English Literature
2014–2015 |
Visiting Professor (English and American Literature and Cultural Studies)
2011–2015 |
W1-Professor of English Literature and Culture
2009–2011 |
Feodor Lynen Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
04/2009 |
Visiting Professor
2007–2009 |
Research Coordinator
2006–2007 |
Teaching Fellow and DAAD Lektor
2001–2002 |
Teaching Assistant
2013 | Habilitation, English Literature and Culture
University of Gießen |
2006 | PhD, English Literature and Culture
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich |
2002 | Master of Arts, English, German, and Comparative Literature
University of California, Santa Barbara |
2000–2001 | BA-Studies, English Literature
University of Cambridge |
1998–2000 | Undergraduate Studies, English and German Literature and Culture
University of Heidelberg |
Fellowships and Honours
Since 2013 |
Member of AcademiaNet
2011–2016 |
Elected member of
Junge Akademie (Young Academy)
2010–2012 |
Fellow in the Fast-Track Programme
2009–2011 |
Feodor Lynen Fellowship
2003–2006 |
2001–2002 |
Stuart Atkins Fellowship
2000–2001 |
English literature and culture (16 th-21 st century)
Early Modern Drama, esp. Shakespeare
Cognitive literary studies
Aesthetics of fascination
Literary attention
Digital narratives
Research Networks
Member of the DFG-funded research network Form in Dialogue
Member of the Stuttgart Research Focus "Re2 - Reproducing Realities"
Member of the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech), University of Stuttgart (since 2021)
Member of the research centre Conceptions of Europe (director: Stefan Ehrenpreis), University of Innsbruck. 2017-2020
Member of the research centre Dimensions of Literary Transfer: Reception, Translation, Remediation (director: Thomas Wegmann), University of Innsbruck. 2015-2020
Member of the research area Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts (director: Timo Heimerdinger), University of Innsbruck. 2015-2020
Founder and member of the working group Fascination, Young Academy. 2011-2016
Member of the working groups Academic Teaching (2011-14), Worlds of Sound (2011-13), Doctoral Cap (2014-16), Popular Culture (2014-16) and Science Policy (2011-16) of the Young Academy
Member of the DFG-research network Gelehrte Polemik (convenors: Kai Bremer, University of Gießen, and Carlos Spoerhase, Humboldt-University of Berlin). 2011-2014
Member of the research unit Media Convergence, its focus group Adaptation and Appropriation, and the research unit Historical Cultural Sciences, University of Mainz. 2011-2015
Member of the European Research Network Europe, in Comparison: EU, Identity and the Idea of European Literature (EUROCOM) (convenor: César Domínguez, University of Santiago de Compostela). 2011-2013
Member of the DFG-research network Aisthetik der Geister: Die Rezeption der Spirituslehren in Künsten und Populärkultur der Frühen Neuzeit (convenor: Steffen Schneider, University of Tübingen). 2009-2012
Literary Attention in Short Fiction, or: What Literature Knows About Attention and Attention Politics (LitAttention) (ERC AdvGrant, 2024-2029)
Born Digital: Towards a Living Encyclopedia of Electronic Literatures (BWS Plus Project, 2023-2026)
Literature and Fascination . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2015.
An Introduction to the Study of Plays and Drama (with Ansgar Nünning). Stuttgart: Klett 2009. ISBN:978-3-12939-545-5.
Shakespeare and the Art of Physiognomy. Penrith: Humanities Ebooks / Leicester: Troubador Publishing 2008.
'Let me behold thy face': Physiognomik und Gesichtslektüren in Shakespeares Tragödien. Heidelberg: Winter 2007.
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
(with Karin Kukkonen). Narratives between Attention and Mind-Wandering. Special issue of DIEGESIS: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research (2022).
(with Lena Henningsen and Klaus Oschema). The Fascination with Unknown Time. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2017.
(with Ralf Haekel and Felix Sprang). “ Cognitive Literary Studies”. Special issue of the Journal of Literary Theory 11/2 (2017).
(with Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning). A History of British Poetry: Genres – Developments – Interpretations . Trier: WVT 2014. ISBN 978-3-86821-578-6
(with Beatrice Michaelis and Ansgar Nünning).
Travelling Concepts, Metaphors, and Narratives: Literary and Cultural Studies in an Age of
Interdisciplinary Research
. Trier: WVT 2012.
ISBN 978-3-86821-376-8
(with Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning). A History of British Drama: Genres – Developments – Interpretations . Trier: WVT 2011. ISBN 978-3-86821-333-1
Regions of Culture-Regions of Identity / Kulturregionen-Identitätsregionen
. Trier: WVT 2010.
ISBN 978-3-86821-260-0
(with Herbert Grabes and Ansgar Nünning).
Literature and Values: Literature as a Medium for Representing, Disseminating and Constructing
Norms and Values
. Trier: WVT 2009.
ISBN 978-3-86821-143-6
(with Herbert Grabes and Ansgar Nünning). Metaphors Shaping Culture and Theory (REAL – The Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature). Tübingen: Narr 2009.
Articles and Book Chapters
(with Karin Kukkonen). “ Mind-Wandering and Literary Attention.” Diegesis: Interdisciplinary E-Journal for Narrative Research (2022). 1-17.
“Aesthetic Emotions.” In The Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion. Ed. Patrick Colm Hogan, Lalita Pandit Hogan, and Bradley Irish. London: Routledge 2022. 123-133. Link
(with Ulla Ratheiser). “The Poetics and Politics of Victorian Surfaces.” In: Victorian Surfaces in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture – Skin, Silk, and Show. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach and Ulla Ratheiser. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2021. 1-23. Link
“Only Connect”: The Aesthetics of Fragmentation and Mindful Literary Studies.” In: Literature and Literary Studies in the 21 st Century. Ed. Ansgar Nünning, Vera Nünning, and Alexander Scherr. Trier: WVT 2021. 73-92
“Stories of Dis-Ease: Ethics and Survival in Dementia Narratives.” In: The Ethics of Survival in Contemporary Literature and Culture. Ed Rudolf Freiburg and Gerd Bayer. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2021. 187-202
(with Andreas Maurer). “Brexit and Academia – A Satyr Play where Exit Prevails Voice.” Brexit and Academia. Special Issue of the European Journal for English Studies (EJES) 25 (2021): 1-10. Link
"Marketing Anglophone World Literatures.“ In: Handbook of Anglophone World Literatures. Ed. Stefan Helgesson, Birgit Neumann and Gabrielle Rippl. New York/Berlin: de Gruyter 2020. 229-243.
" The Fascination with Crisis and the Crisis of Perception in Contemporary British Drama." Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 8 (2020). 47-64.
"Mind the Narratives: Towards a Cultural Narratology of Attention.” In: Narrative in Culture. Ed. Astrid Erll and Roy Sommer. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2019. 37-57.
(with Birgit Neumann). “The Novel – An Undead Genre.” In: New Approaches to the 21 st-Century Anglophone Novel. Ed. ibid. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2019. 1-17.
“The Economy of Attention and the Novel.” In: New Approaches to the 21 st-Century Anglophone Novel. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach and Birgit Neumann. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2019. 39-58.
(with Pascal Nicklas). “ Adaptation and Perception.” Adaptation 11/2 (2018): 103-110.
“To be or not to be? Crisis and the Humanities in Germany.” In: The Changing Face of Higher Education: Is There an International Crisis in the Humanities?. Ed. Dennis A. Ahlburg. London: Routledge 2018. 103-120.
“The Booker Prize as a Harbinger of Literary Trends and an Object of Satire: Debates about Literary Prizes in Journalism and Edward St Aubyn’s Lost for Words (2014)” In: The British Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Concepts – Literary Developments – Model Interpretations. Ed. Vera Nünning and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2018. 53-70.
(with Lena Henningsen and Klaus Oschema).“Why all the Fuss about Time? On Time, the Unknown, and Fascination.” In: The Fascination with Unknown Time. Ed. ibid. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2017. 1-20.
“The Worst Returns to Laughter: Tragikomisches Lachen in Shakespeares Theater.” In: Zum Brüllen. Ed. Gordon Kampe. Essen: Folkwang Studien 2016. 41-55.
“William Shakespeares The Tempest.” In: Das englische Drama und Theater von den Anfängen bis zur Postmoderne. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Trier: WVT 2016. 86-91.
“Rooting New European Literature: A Reconsideration of the European Myth of the Postnational and Cynical Cosmopolitanism.” In: Cosmopolitanism and the Postnational: Literature and the New Europe. Ed. César Domínguez and Theo D’haen. Leiden/Boston: Brill Rodopi 2015. 55-74.
“Die Faszination fremder Dinge in der englischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts.“ In: Präsenz und Evidenz fremder Dinge im Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Birgit Neumann. Göttingen: Wallstein 2015. 395-411.
“‘Thy face is mine’: Faces and Fascination in Shakespeare’s Plays.” In: Shakespeare and the Power of the Face. Ed. James Knapp. Farnham: Ashgate 2015. 15-29.
“Shakespeares Theater der Geister: Spiritus-Konzepte in The Tempest.“ In: Aisthetics of the Spirits: Spirits in Early Modern Science, Religion, Literature, and Music. Ed. Steffen Schneider. Göttingen: V&R unipress 2015. 191-212.
“Faszination der Wiederholung – Wiederholung der Faszination.” In: Prinzip ‘Wiederholung’: Zur Ästhetik von System- und Sinnbildung in Literatur, Kunst und Kultur aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Ed. Károly Csúri and Joachim Jacob. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2015. 47-60.
“Shakespeare’s Sonnets.” In: A History of British Poetry: Genres – Developments – Interpretations. Ed. ibid., Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2015. 79-90.
(with Birgit Neumann). “New Departures and Developments: Contemporary British Poetry.” In: A History of British Poetry: Genres – Developments –Interpretations. Ed. ibid. and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2015. 409-422.
(with Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning). “A History of British Poetry: An Outline of Major Genres and Main Developments.” In: A History of British Poetry: Genres – Developments – Interpretations. Ed. ibid. Trier: WVT 2015. 1-16.
“‘Such sweet thunder’: Harmonische Verstimmungen in Shakespeares dramatischen Klangwelten.“ In: Faszinosum Klang: Anthropologie – Medialität – kulturelle Praxis. Ed. Wolf Gerhard Schmidt. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2014. 157-182.
“Phantastik in der Frühen Neuzeit: England.” In: Phantastik. Ein Interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Ed. Hans Richard Brittnacher and Markus May. Stuttgart: Metzler 2013. 23-27.
(with Anja Müller-Wood). “Apocalypse and Literature: Introduction.” In: Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam: Proceedings. Ed. Katrin Röder and Ilse Wischer. Trier: WVT 2013. 183-188.
“Voice, Face, and Fascination: The Art of Physiognomy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Shakespeare Survey 65 (2012): 77-91.
(with Ansgar Nünning and Beatrice Michaelis). “Introducing Travelling Concepts and the Metaphor of Travelling: Risks and Promises of Conceptual Transfers in Literary and Cultural Studies.” In: Travelling Concepts, Metaphors, and Narratives: Literary and Cultural Studies in an Age of Interdisciplinary Research. Ed. ibid. Trier: WVT 2012. 1-24.
“Scrutinizing Interfaces: Physiognomy as a Travelling Concept.” In: Travelling Concepts, Metaphors, and Narratives: Literary and Cultural Studies in an Age of Interdisciplinary Research. Ed. ibid., Beatrice Michaelis, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2012. 95-114.
“Assist me [...] for I am sure I shall turn sonnet: Shakespeares Bühnensonette und ihre dramatische Funktion.” In: Sonett-Künste: Transformationen eines klassischen Genres. Ed. Erika Greber and Evi Zemanek. Dozwil: SIGNAT(h)UR 2012. 315-344.
“Totgesagte streiten länger: Das Elysium als Austragungsort gelehrter Polemik in George Lytteltons Dialogues of the Dead.” Zeitsprünge – Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit 15 (2011): 404-426.
“Early English Theatre.” In: A History of British Drama: Genres – Developments – Interpretations. Ed. Ibid., Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2011. 19-30.
“Shakespeare’s Tragedies: Hamlet.” In: A History of British Drama: Genres – Developments – Interpretations. Ed. Ibid., Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2011. 77-94.
(with Ansgar Nünning). “Biography, History, and Memory Plays: Brian Friel’s Making History and Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus.” In: A History of British Drama: Genres – Developments – Interpretations. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach, Birgit Neumann, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2011. 319-336.
(with Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning). “An Outline of the Features, Objectives and Premises of A History of British Drama.” In: A History of British Drama: Genres – Developments – Interpretations. Ed. ibid. Trier: WVT 2011. 1-18.
“ Medusa’s Gaze and the Aesthetics of Fascination.” Anglia 128/2 (2010): 225-245.
“Physiognomy.” In: A New Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture. Ed. Michael Hattaway. Vol. 1. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2010. 582-597.
“Reading Medusa.” In: Refocusing the Vision, the Viewer & Viewing Through an Interdisciplinary Lens. Ed. Phil Fitzsimmons and Barbra McKenzie. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press 2010. 89-98.
“Conceptualizing ‘Region’, ‘Identity’, and ‘Culture’, and Mapping Approaches to Regions of Culture and Regions of Identity.” In: Regions of Culture – Regions of Identity / Kulturregionen – Identitätsregionen. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach. Trier: WVT 2010. 1-15.
“Wissensräume im Theater der Frühen Neuzeit.” In: Raum und Bewegung in der Literatur: Die Literaturwissenschaften und der Spatial Turn. Ed. Wolfgang Hallet and Birgit Neumann. Bielefeld: transcript 2009. 195-212.
“Travelling the Worlds of Myth and Metaphor: The Metaphorical Dimension of Mythical Figures.” In: Metaphor: Shaping Culture and Theory (REAL – The Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature). Ed. Herbert Grabes, Ansgar Nünning, Sibylle Baumbach. Tübingen: Narr 2009. 111-126.
(with Ansgar Nünning and Herbert Grabes). “Metaphors as a Way of Worldmaking, or: Where Metaphors and Culture Meet.” In: Metaphor: Shaping Culture and Theory (REAL – The Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Vol. 25). Ed. ibid. Tübingen: Narr 2009. xi-xxviii.
“Speak, dead, speak: Values, Virtues, and Vices from Hades.” In: Values in Literature and the Value of Literature: Literature as a Medium for Representing, Disseminating and Constructing Norms and Values. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach, Herbert Grabes, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT 2009. 107-121.
(with Ansgar Nünning and Herbert Grabes). “Values in Literature and the Value of Literature: Literature as a Medium for Representing, Disseminating and Constructing Norms and Values.” In: Values in Literature and the Value of Literature: Literature as a Medium for Representing, Disseminating and Constructing Norms and Values. Ed. ibid. Trier: WVT 2009. 1-18.
(with Mirjam Bitter). “Auf der Suche nach Kultur- und Identitätsregionen: Ein- und Ausblicke der International Summer School ‘Regions of Culture – Regions of Identity’.“ Geschichte und Region / Storia e Regione 18/1 (2009): 172-179.
“The Knowledge of Myth in Literature: The Fascination of Mythopoetic Space and William Drummond’s ‘The Statue of Medusa’.” In: La Conoscenza della Letteratura / The Knowledge of Literature. Ed. Angela Locatelli. Bergamo: Bergamo University Press 2009. 121-140.
“Der ‘vermessene’ Mensch - Physiognomische Lektüren in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim und Chance.” In: Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) . Ed. Cordula Lemke and Claus Zittel. Berlin: Weidler 2007. 35-53.
“ John Keats and Mythopoetics – A Reading of La Belle Dame Sans Merci. ” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) / A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture 54/4 (2006): 337-348.
“Facing Shakespeare's Narratives and Ovid's Ars Amatoria.” Wissenschaftliches Seminar Online (2005). Ed. Tobias Döring, Susanne Rupp, and Jens Mittelbach (German Shakespeare Association): 2-15.
“Schneeblind?” Review of Jon Törklánnson, Enginn Snjór. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press 2018. Forschung und Lehre 2 (2019): 166.
“Gary A. Schmidt, Renaissance Hybrids: Culture and Genre in Early Modern England. Farnham: Ashgate 2013.” Shakespeare Jahrbuch 150 (2014). 248-249.
“Andrew Hiscock, Reading Memory in Early Modern Literature. Cambridge 2011.” Shakespeare Jahrbuch 149 (2013). 277-278.
“Hans Ulrich Seeber, Literarische Faszination in England um 1900. Heidelberg: Winter 2012.” Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 62/4 (2012): 497-500.
“Alan Stuart, Shakespeare’s Letters, Oxford 2008.” Shakespeare Jahrbuch 147 (2011). 28-29.
“Tanya Pollard, Drugs and Theater in Early Modern England, Oxford 2005 and Claire Carlin, Imagining Drugs in Early Modern Europe, Basingstoke 2005.” Shakespeare Jahrbuch 143 (2007). 261-263.
Further Publications
“Nachwüchsigkeit – Die Rolle von early-career researchers auf dem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit.” In: Nachhaltige Zeitenwende. Die Agenda 2030 als Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Politik. Ed. Jörg Hacker. Halle: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 2017. 110-114.
“Unterwegs zum Tenure Track: Laufbahnstellen an Österreichs Universitäten.” Dossier ‘Akademische Karrierewege nach dem Doktorat’. Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Bulletin 3 (2017): 70-71.
Neuland in der Wissenschaft. Ed. with Angelika Riemer, Florian Meinel, and Evelyn Runge. Die Junge Akademie. Ostfildern: Thorbecke 2016.
“Wie und warum fasziniert Literatur?“ In: Neuland in der Wissenschaft. Die Junge Akademie. Ostfildern: Thorbecke 2016. 34-35.
Faszination Wissenschaft 2016: Visions and Images of Fascination. Ed. for the Young Academy. Ostfildern: Thorbecke 2015.
(with Moritz Schularick, Jule Specht et al.). Berufungspraxis bei Juniorprofessuren 2005-2014. Berlin: Die Junge Akademie 2015.
(with Cornelis Menke, Moritz Schularick, Robert Wolf, et al.). Nach der Exzellenzinitiative: Personalstruktur als Schlüssel zu leistungsfähigeren Universitäten. Berlin: Die Junge Akademie 2013.
(with Cornelis Menke). “Kommentar zu den Empfehlungen des Wissenschaftsrats.” In: Perspektiven des deutschen Wissenschaftssystems – Welche Schritte sind notwendig? Stellungnahmen und Empfehlungen für die Politik. Sankt Augustin/Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung 2013. 9-14.
“Verzaubert – Gebannt – Verhext? Faszination der Wissenschaft.“ Junge Akademie Magazin 16 (2013): 28-33.
(with Klaus Oschema and Stefanie Walter). “Exzellente Perspektiven? Auswirkungen der Exzellenzinitiative.” Forschung und Lehre 1 (2009): 20-21.
President of the German Shakespeare Society |
Co-Editor of Journal of Literary Theory. Link Member of the Editorial Board of “ Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik / Agenda: Advancing Anglophone Studies (AAA)" |
Since 2021 |
Member of the Editorial Board of Antike and Abendland (De Gruyter) Member of the Board of Directors, Stuttgart Research Forum:
Interchange Forum for the Reflection of Intelligent Systems (IRIS)
University of Stuttgart
Since 2019 |
Member of the Executive Board German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) |
Since 2018 |
Member of the Advisory Board
2017-2021 |
Founder and director of the
Academic Network Britain-Innsbruck (BritInn)
2017-2019 |
Member of the Selection Committee in the German Federal-State Programme for the Promotion of
Early-Career Researchers (Tenure-Track Programme)
Mentor (‘Vertrauensdozentin’) in the Mentoring Programme of the
2017–2018 |
Head of Department
Head of the Faculty Board
Mentor in the Mentoring Programme for Early-Career Researchers
Member of the Jury in the 350
Anniversary Project Competition
2016-2019 |
Member of the Early Career Researcher Development Committee
Member of the Johannes Zilkens Prize Committee
2016–2018 |
Alternate member of the University Senate
2016–2017 |
Co-chair of the Steering Committee for the evaluation of the Framework Programme for the
Humanities, Cultural Sciences, and Social Sciences
2014–2015 |
Member of the Executive Committee, College for Young Researchers
2013–2014 |
Chair of the
German Young Academy (
Die Junge Akademie
) at the
2012–2015 |
Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee
2012–2014 |
Member of the Executive Board
Since 2011 |
Member of the Research Committee
Member of the Advisory Board of the
2008–2012 |
Principal Investigator of the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
2008–2009 |
Associated member of the Executive Board and member of the Selection Committee and the Gender
Equality Committee of the GCSC
Referee/Reviewer (ongoing)
Institutions: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Robert Bosch Foundation, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, German Research Foundation, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Journals/Publishers: International Journal of Literary Linguistics, Early Modern Literary Studies, Adaptation Studies, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, Variations, Oxford University Press
"Orient, Occident, Other: Kritischer Okzidentalismus in der englischen Literatur und Kultur.”Das Abendland als Deutungsmuster, Heidelberg University, 30 March 2022.
“Travelling Concepts: Intelligent Systems on the Move.” Münchenwiler Seminar, University of Bern/online, 08 May 2021.
"The Fascination with Crisis and the Crisis of Perception in Contemporary British Drama.” Keynote, Theatre of Crisis: Aesthetic Responses to a Cross-Sectional Condition”, Annual Convention of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama, University of Graz, 23 June 2019
"How to Assassinate a Prime Minister, or: The Value of Literature for Attention Studies.” The Value of Literature, University of Gießen, Rauischholzhausen, 21 June 2019
“‘Didst not mark that?’ Othello und das Theater der Aufmerksamkeit.” German Shakespeare Association, Bochum, 23 November 2018.
“Stories of Dis-ease: Ethics and Survival in Dementia Narratives.” The Ethics of Survival in Contemporary Literature and Culture, Erlangen-Nürnberg, 11-13 October 2018.
“Literary Attention in the Brain Attic of Detective Fiction.” Cognitive Futures in the Humanities, University of Kent, 02 July 2018.
“Economies and Anxieties of (In)Attention.” Literature and Literary Studies in the 21 st Century, University of Giessen, 26 June 2018.
“Narratives of Fascination and the Economy of Attention.” American Comparative Literature Association, Annual Meeting, Utrecht, 07 July 2017.
“Aesthetic Attention.” Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities, Stony Brook University, 06 June 2017.
“ Will, thou art translated! – Shakespeares Dramen zwischen Globe und World Wide Web.” Lecture in the lecture series Dimensions of Literary Transfer, University of Innsbruck, 05 May 2017.
“Shakespeare’s Physiognomic Theatre.” Doing Face: Gesicht als Ereignis, University of Frankfurt, 07 October 2016.
“Fear and Fascination: Conflicting Emotions and Narrative Absorption in English Literature.” The Stories of Hope and Fear: Mapping Emotions and Affects in Life, Arts, and Literature, Palmse Manor, Estonia, 25 August 2016.
“Languages of Immersion in Narratives of Fascination.” 21 st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Vienna, 23 July 2016.
“Attention in Shakespeare’s Globe.” Shakespeare Association of America, Annual Convention, New Orleans, 26 March 2016.
“Literatur und Faszination: Ein neuer Ansatz der kognitiven Narratologie.” Lecture in the lecture series Positionen der Literaturwissenschaft, University of Innsbruck, 22 October 2015.
“Translating Narratives of Fascination: From Stoker to McEwan.” Research colloquium: Translation, Transformation, Comparison, University of Düsseldorf, 30 June 2015.
“Die Fragmentarisierung von Autor und Leser im Briefroman 2.0.” Workshop of the research group Popular Culture(s) of the Young Academy: Schreiben, Lesen, Hören: Ein interdisziplinärer Workshop zu Rezeption und Autorschaft in Populärkulturen, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich, 02 June 2015.
“Narratives of Fascination in Gothic Fiction.” Guest lecture in the lecture series Reading, Mind, and Body. University of Turku, 21 May 2015.
“The Aesthetics of Fascination in Shakespeare’s Theatre.” Shakespeare Association of America, Annual convention, Vancouver, 03 April 2015.
“‘The Worst Returns to Laughter’: Tragikomisches Lachen in Shakespeares Globe.” Zum Brüllen. Interdiszipinäres Syposium über das Lachen, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, 03 May 2014.
“IPhone, YouTweet, (W)Email: Die Poetik der Fragmentarisierung im Briefroman 2.0.” Lecture, University of Giessen, 11 December 2013.
“Access: Knowledge and Resources.” Opening talk, German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GISFOH) , Jerusalem, 30 September 2013.
“Faszination der Wiederkehr – Wiederkehr der Faszination: Ästhetik und Attraktion der Wiederholung in der Literatur.” Humboldt-symposium: Prinzip Wiederholung: Zur Ästhetik von System- und Sinnbildung in Literatur, Kunst und Kultur aus interdisziplinärer Sicht, University of Szeged, 26 September 2013.
“Literary Fascination.” Cognitive Futures of the Humanities, University of Bangor, 05 April 2013.
“‘Troop home to churchyards; damnèd spirits all’: Fascination and Purgation in Shakespeare‘s Theatre.“ Purgatio Spiritus, University of Tübingen, 06 October 2012.
“‘Thy face is mine’: Faces and Fascination in Shakespeare’s Plays.” Shakespeare Association of America, Annual Convention, Boston, 06 April 2012.
“ I’ll catch thine eyes: Fascination on Shakespeare’s Stage.“ 5 th Biennial British Shakespeare Association Conference, Lancaster, 24-26 February 2012.
“New European Literature: Beginnings and Perspectives.“ Opening talk in the special session: Where New European Literature Begins..., annual convention of the Modern Languages Association, Seattle, 05. January 2012.
“‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on’: Spiritus-Konzepte in Shakespeares The Tempest.” Interdisciplinary conference: Conceptio Spiritus – Physiologie, Spiritualität, Ästhetik, University of Tübingen, 01 April 2011.
“Cosmopolitanism in Eighteenth-Century Dialogues with the Dead.” Modern Languages Association, Annual Convention, Los Angeles, 09 January 2011.
“Medusamorphoses.” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association , Annual Convention, Honolulu, 13-14 November 2010.
“Enzensberger’s Eigensinn, or Searching for Authenticity in Dialogue(s) with the Dead.” German Studies Association, Annual Convention, Oakland, 08 October 2010.
“The Gorgon’s Gaze: The Fascination of Images and Images of Fascination in Visual and Literary Culture.” 45 th Annual Comparative Literature Conference: Visual Culture & Global Practices, California State University, Long Beach, 05 March 2010.
“Physiognomy as Travelling Concept.” ACUME-Conference: Conceptualizing Interfaces between the Sciences, Literature and the Humanities: Travelling Concepts, Metaphors and Narratives? , University of Heidelberg, 08 May 2009.
“Looking for Cosmopolitan European Literature: Lost in Translation? The Role of Classical Literature, Topoi, and Genre for New European Literature.” American Comparative Literature Association, Annual Convention, University of Harvard, 26-29 March 2009.
“The Knowledge of Myth in Literature: Medusa and Mythopoetic Space.” La Conoscenza della Letteratura / The Knowledge of Literature, University of Bergamo, 12 November 2008.
“Forms of Life, Formed in ‘Dialogue with the Dead’.” European Summer School for Cultural Studies: Forms of Life, University of Amsterdam, 28 July 2008.
“Facing Medusa: How to Represent the Ineffable.” Interdisciplinary Net Global Conference: Visual Literacies: Exploring Critical Issues, University of Oxford, 02 July 2008.
“Virtues and Vices in Dialogues of the Dead.” Values in Literature and the Media and their Cultural Function, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), University of Giessen, 05 June 2008.
“ Speak, dead, speak: Looking for the Author(s) in the Lyttelton-Montagu Dialogues from 1760.” British Society for Eighteen Century-Studies, Annual Convention, University of Oxford, 04 January 2008.
“ Sur Faces or How to Do Things with Physiognomy.” British Shakespeare Association, Annual Convention, University of Warwick, 01 September 2007.
“Ethnic and Physiognomic Otherness in Shakespeare’s Plays.” Shakespeare in Europe, Annual Convention, Iasi, 15 November 2007.
“Visualising Faces in Shakespeare’s Comedies.” Shakespeare Association of America, Annual Convention, Philadelphia, 15 April 2006.
2021 |
Workshop “Temporalities of/in Crises in Contemporary Anglophone Literature” (with Birgit Neumann), online, 10 December. Workshop “Literature and Culture and/as Intelligent Systems” (with Jessica Bundschuh and Jonas Kuhn), online, 16-17 December |
2019-2021 |
Working Group (Wissenschaftliches Kolleg) “Literature and Cognition” (with Karin Kukkonen and Moniek Kuijpers), German Academic Scholarship Foundation |
2019 |
Symposium: “Island Mentalities: from Crusoe to Brexlit” (with Geoff Rodoreda), University of Stuttgart, 08 July 2019 |
2018 |
Panel: “Victorian Surfaces: Skin, Silk, and Show in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture” (with Ulla Ratheiser and Ariane de Waal), Deutscher Anglistenverband, Annual Convention, Bonn, 23.-26. September “Brexit and Academia” (with Ilse Kranner, Christopher Mathew, Andreas Maurer, Marion Wieser, Eva-Maria Fink), Academic Network Britain-Innsbruck (BritInn), University of Innsbruck, 06 March |
2016 |
Interdisciplinary conference: Wo/Man, Mind, Machine (with Miriam Akkermann, Caspar Battegay, and Philipp Kanske in cooperation with the Israel Young Academy), German Young Academy, Berlin, 13-14 June |
2015 |
Interdisciplinary conference: Perception and Adaptation (with Pascal Nicklas and Dan Hassler-Forest), University of Mainz, 3-5 December 2015 Panel: “Brain Drain or Brain Gain: the Future of Cognitive Literary Studies” (with Ralf Haekel and Felix Sprang), Deutscher Anglistenverband, Annual Convention, Paderborn, 23-26 September 2015 Workshop: “Politiken der (Un)Sichtbarkeit in Literatur und Film” (with Judith Frömmer), joint summer school of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) and the Young Academy , Roggenburg, 23-30 August 2015 Interdisciplinary conference: “ To boldly go where no man has gone before”: The Fascination with the Unknown: Time (with Lena Henningsen, Katharina Heyden, and Klaus Oschema). Berlin, 9-11 July 2015 Roundtable: “Cognitive Renaissance Studies: Scope and Limitations” (with Anja Müller-Wood), Renaissance Society of America: Annual Convention. Berlin, 26 March 2015 Interdisciplinary conference: Big Data and The Future of Research in a Digital Age (with Sharon Aronson-Lehavi, the Israel Young Academy and the German Young Academy), Jerusalem, 17-19 February 2015 Seminar: “Literary Linguistics” (with Anja Müller-Wood), Modern Languages Association: Annual Convention, Vancouver, 10 January 2015 |
2014 |
Workshop: “Theory of Mind: Neuro- und literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven” (with Ricarda Schubotz), joint summer school of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the German Young Academy, Überlingen, 17-24 August 2014 Interdisciplinary conference: “ To boldly go where no man has gone before. Die Faszination des Unbekannten: Raum“ (with Lena Henningsen, Katharina Heyden, Magda Nowicka, and Klaus Oschema), Berlin, 30-31 May 2014 Seminar: “‘In this distracted globe’? Cognitive Shakespeare” (with Anja Müller-Wood), international conference: Shakespeare 450, Paris, 21-27 April 2014 |
2013 |
Interdisciplinary conference: Aesthetic Attention: Theories – Models – Perspectives (with Anja Müller-Wood and Pascal Nicklas), University of Mainz, 22-23 November 2013 Interdisciplinary conference: German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GISFOH): “Access: Knowledge and Resources” (Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation), member of the organising committee, Kibbutz Tzuba, 29 September-02 October 2013 Panel: “The Politics and Poetics of Access in Literature” (with Dana Olmert), GISFOH: Access: Knowledge and Resources, Kibbutz Tzuba, 29 September-02 October 2013 |
2012 |
Interdisciplinary conference: Klang – Ton – Musik: Theorien und Modelle (national)kultureller Identitätsstiftung (with Wolf Gerhard Schmidt, Jean-Fran ς ois Candoni, Stéphane Pesnel), Paris, 10-14 October 2012 Panel: “Literature and Apocalypse” (with Anja Müller-Wood), Deutscher Anglistenverband: Annual Convention, Potsdam, 19-21 September 2012 Seminar: “Faszination und Enthusiasmus” (with Kai Marcel Sicks), summer school of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Görlitz, 05-18 August 2012 Special session: “Where New European Literature Begins…”, Modern Languages Association: Annual Convention, Seattle, 05 January 2012 |
2010 |
Seminar: “Reading Faces and Bodies on the Early Modern Stage” (with Michael Neill), Shakespeare Association of America: Annual Conference, Chicago, 01 April 2010 International summer school of the HERMES consortium: Travelling Concepts, Metaphors, and Theories in an Age of Interdisciplinarity (with Beatrice Michaelis and Ansgar Nünning), University of Gießen, 13-20 June 2010 |
2009 |
Panel: “Literature as a Form of Emergence,” HERMES-Symposium: Contemporary Developments in Emergent Literature and the New Europe, University of Santiago de Compostela, 22 June 2009 International conference: Metaphors: Shaping Culture and Theory (with Ansgar Nünning and Herbert Grabes), University of Gießen, 28-31 January 2009 |
2008 |
International summer school: Regions of Culture – Regions of Identity (with Horst Carl, Peter Haslinger, Monika Wingender), University of Gießen, 13-23 July 2008 International conference: Values in Literature and the Media and their Cultural Function (with Herbert Grabes and Ansgar Nünning), International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, University of Gießen, 05-07 June 2008 |
2018 |
Roundtable participant: “Wissenschaftler/in-sein in unsicheren Zeiten,” Roundtable series Risiko Wissenschaft?, University of Gießen, 21 June |
2017 |
Presentation: “Career Structures at Austrian Universities and the Austrian ‘ Tenure Track’, Workshop of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences: An International Comparison of Career Funding Schemes and Career Structures, Bern, 12 May |
2016 |
Roundtable participant: “Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige Wissenschaftspolitik und Wissenschaftsförderung,” Symposium of the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina: Nachhaltige Zeitenwende? Die Agenda 2030 als Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Politik. Berlin, 18 October |
2015–2016 |
Co-chair of the working group Science Policy, German Young Academy |
2015 |
Workshop: “Shall I stay or shall I go – Wege in die (und aus der) Wissenschaft,” DAAD-Annual Convention for Lektors and Language Assistants, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, 17 December Roundtable participant: “Forschung für die Gesellschaft von morgen,” Austrian Science Board, Annual Conference: Forschung – Idee und Wirklichkeit, Vienna, 06 November Panel moderator: “What Effects Do New Ways of Scientific Communication Have on Quality Measures?” , Second Governance of Science Workshop: The Mis-Measurement of Scientific Quality, Volkswagen-Foundation and National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, Hanover, 01-03 November Presentation: “Perspektiven des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses,” Sixth Workshop Discussion on Research and Science Policy: Karrierewege in der deutschen Wissenschaft: Pläne, Potenziale, Perspektiven, German Council of Sciences and Humanities Board and Volkswagen-Foundation, Hanover, 26 September Commencement speech, Graduation Ceremony, Department of English and American Studies, University of Heidelberg, 17 July |
2014 |
Panel: “Internationalisierung in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft,” Science policy symposium: Internationale wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Standortwettbewerb im 21. Jahrhundert, Konrad Adenauer-Foundation, Cadenabbia, 31 Oktober – 02 November Co-Organisation (with Martin Schulze-Wessel, the German Historical Association, and the German Young Academy), conference: Neue Wege im Deutschen Hochschulsystem, Berlin, 10 June Workshop: “Rethinking the Sciences and the Humanities,” Fourth German-Russian Young Researchers’ Forum, National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, in cooperation with the German Young Academy and the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 07 June “Zu Ende gedacht.” Forschung und Lehre 05/2014, 416 Interview in Zurück nach Deutschland: Karrierewege in Wissenschaft und Forschung, ed. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn 2014, 20-22. Roundtable participant: “Wissenschaft als Beruf” at the symposium Wissenschaft als Beruf, German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Cologne, 10 May Interview: “Puppen fragen – Wissenschaftler antworten,” National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, Halle, 01 May Roundtable participant: SWR2-Forum “Sackgasse Universität: Wie junge Wissenschaftler ausgebremst werden,” SWR2 Radio, 11 March “Gestern Stipendiat – und heute?” DAAD VIP-Gallerie 03/2014 Link Co-Organisation of the international contest A Question for Europe: Who Gets Carried Away by Europe? (with the Young Academy and further European young academies), June 2014 – April 2015 |
2013 |
Presentation: “Perspektiven für den Nachwuchs,” conference: Personalstrukturen der Zukunft für die Geistes- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Volkswagen-Foundation and Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft. Hanover, 13 December Presentation: “Should I stay or should I go? Wege und Umwege in die Wissenschaft,“ symposium: Wissenschaft als Beruf, German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Cologne, 13 November Graduation Speech, Graduation Ceremony. International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, University of Giessen, 14 October Roundtable participant: “Individuelle Karrieren und Finanzierung der Wissenschaft,” Sixth Symposium of the German Association of Assistant Professors, Bonn, 07 October Roundtable participant: “Originelle Idee oder Plagiat? Zur Produktion von Wissen und Innovation in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft,” annual convention: German National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina: Geist – Genom – Gehirn – Gesellschaft, Halle, 21 September Panel: “Progress in Science and Future Research“, Third German-Russian Young Researchers’ Forum, National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, in cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the German Young Academy, Bonn, 22 July Roundtable participant: “Perspektiven Akademischer Personalentwicklung: Struktur, Strategie und Finanzierung,” conference: Perspektiven der Akademischen Personalentwicklung: Chancen der Karriereförderung in der Wissenschaft, Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft, Berlin, 12 June Co-Organisation (with the Young Academy) of an international photo contest for scientists: Visions and Images of Fascination: Sciences and Humanities Visualized in cooperation with the young academies of the Netherlands, Russia, Scotland, and Sweden, November 2012 – June 2013 |