Dieses Bild zeigt Natalie Veith

Natalie Veith


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


since 2019

Research fellow, Department of English Literatures, University of Stuttgart (Ph.D. project: Neo-Victorian Comic Books and the Politics of Representation, supervised by Prof. Dr. Sybille Baumbach)


Research fellow, Department of English and American Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt (DFG research project Typisierungen des Humanen: Visuelle Anthropologie und ihre spät- und neo-viktorianische Kritik, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Susanne Scholz).


Assistant lecturer, Department of English and American Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt


Administration secretary, Prisma Cluster of Excellence, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz


Administration secretary, Department of English and American Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt


Research assistant, Department of Children‘s Literature, Goethe University Frankfurt


Student assistant and tutor, Department of English and American Studies and Department of Children‘s Literature, Goethe University Frankfurt


Magistra Artium degree in English Literature and Culture, German Literature, and Children’s Literature,Goethe-University Frankfurt and Cardiff University

  • British literature and culture since the 19th century
  • visual and pluricodal media (esp. comic books, also film, photography, illustration, etc.)
  • children's literature
  • neo-Victorianism and steampunk
  • narratology (esp. postclassical)
  • visual and material culture studies
  • gender and queer studies
  • discourse analysis


since 2019

Anglistenverband (German Association for the Study of English)

since 2019

Britcult (German Association for the Study of British Cultures)

since 2018

AG Comicforschung, Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (Committee for Comics Studies, German Society for Media Studies)


Forschungszentrum für historische Geisteswissenschaften (Frankfurt Humanities Research Centre)

since 2014

ComFor - Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (German Comics Studies Society); since 2018: member of the society’s web editorial team


Articles and Book Chapters

forthcoming: "Diseased Bodies and Notions of Time in Victorian Undead." Closure 8.5 (2022).

“Othering Voices and the Voice of the Other: The Depiction of Joseph Merrick in From Hell.” Spaces Between – Gender, Diversity, and Identity in Comics. Eds. V. Sina and N. Heindl. Heidelberg: Springer, 2020.

“The (In)Significance of Queen Victoria in Neo-Victorian Comics..” Realms of Royalty: New Directions in Researching Contemporary European Monarchies. Eds. C. Jordan and I. Polland. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2020.

“‘Remarkable, the view here, isn't it?’: Totalising Views and Diverted Gazes in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.” Victorian Ideologies in Contemporary British Cultures (Anglistik & Englischunterricht Vol. 90). Eds. C. Flotmann and A. Lienen.  Heidelberg: Winter, 2019. 91-112.

“Kreativität im Korsett: Nostalgie und Konsumideologie im Fernsehdrama The Paradise.” Poetik und Poesie der Werbung: Ästhetik und Literarizität an der Schnittstelle von Kunst und Kommerz (Konsumästhetik Vol. 2). Eds. M.Allen and R. Knepel. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2017. 53-68.

“The (Neo-)Victorian Rhetoric of Representation and the End of Referentiality in Sebastian O.” Geschichte im Comic. Ed. B. Dolle-Weinkauff. Berlin: Bachman, 2017. 107- 118.

“‘When I look upon your face I am afraid and cannot help it’: Focalization and Anticipation in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's From Hell.” Breaking the Panel!: Comics as a Medium (MasteRResearch Vol. 6). Eds. R. Klütsch, et al. Zürich: LIT, 2015. 75-84.



Leslie, Esther. “Kitsch.” Transl. Natalie Veith. Handbuch Literatur & materielle Kultur (Handbücher zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Philologie Vol. 6). Eds. S. Scholz and U. Vedder. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. 412-414.


“Othering Voices and the Voice of the Other: The Depiction of Joseph Merrick in From Hell” at the conference Zwischenräume – Geschlecht, Diversität und Identität im Comic, University of Cologne


Presentation and tour through the comic book archive of the Department of Children’s Literature as part of the [sic!] Summer Institute Cologne


“The (In)Significance of Queen Victoria in Neo-Victorian Comics” at the conference Realms of Royalty, University of Gießen


“Renegotiating Historical Reality in Neo-Victorian Comic Books: Bryan Talbot’s Grandville”, guest lecture during the seminar The (Neo-)Victorian Entertainment Industry by Dr. Martina Allen, University of Frankfurt


“Advertising Creativity and Consumer Culture in BBC's The Paradise” at the conference Poetik und Poesie der Werbung, University of Frankfurt

05.09.2015 “Historical Visualisation Strategies in Neo-Victorian Comics” at the conference Geschichte im Comic – Geschichte des Comic, University of Frankfurt
29.06.2015 “London in Neo-Victorian Comics”, guest lecture during the lecture series Darkside London, University of Frankfurt
14.06.2014 “‘Remarkable, the view here, isn't it?’: Overwhelming Sights in Steampunk Comics” at the conference Victorian Structures of Feelings; in Late 20th and 21st-Century Cultural Products, University of Paderborn
11.05.2013 “‘When I look upon your face I am afraid and cannot help it’: Focalisation and Anticipation in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's From Hell” at the conference Comic Student Conference, TU Dortmund
05.04.2013 “‘I always wanted to be a [ˈmeɪl mæn]’: Constructing Queer Identities in Adventure Time” at the workshop Rated Queer: Deconstructing Narratives of Age, University of Frankfurt
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